ID do filtro: | 4 |
- (visible publicamente)
Estatísticas: | Das 1.072 últimas accións, este filtro coincidiu con 0 (o 0%).
De media, o seu tempo é 0,5 ms, e consome 1,2 condicións do límite de condicións. |
Condicións: | !('autoconfirmed' in user_groups)
&!('confirmed' in user_groups)
/* this edit_delta ignores large blankings that are treated by another filter */
& edit_delta >= -3000
& article_namespace == 0
/* No added lines usually mean a blanking which is dealt with by other filter */
& length(added_lines) != 0
& !("#redirect" in lcase(added_lines))
/*Counts of more reference tags are removed than added */
& (rcount("(<ref>|<ref\s+(name|group)|</ref>)",removed_lines) > rcount("(<ref>|<ref\s+(name|group)|</ref>)",added_lines))
/*Excludes changing to the named reference format and removing closing tags attached to formerly named refs. Unequality is to account for closing the first named tag */
& !(rcount("<ref>",removed_lines) = rcount("<ref\s+(name|group)",added_lines) | rcount("</ref>",removed_lines) <= rcount("<ref\s+(name|group)",added_lines))
/*Excludes removal of references to Wikipedia itself */
& !(count("",removed_lines) > count("",added_lines))
Notas: |
Revisións: | |
Última modificación do filtro: | 19 de outubro de 2016 ás 21:48 por Banjo (conversa | contribucións) |
Historial: | Ver o historial deste filtro |
Ferramentas: | Exportar este filtro a outro wiki