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Ficheiro:17-07-06-Fotoflug-Eberswalde-Marktplatz RR75029.jpg

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Na Galipedia, a Wikipedia en galego.

Ficheiro orixinal (4.062 × 2.698 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 11,47 MB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

Deutsch: Stadtzentrum Eberswalde
Orixe Obra propia

© Ralf Roletschek

Ralf Roletschek  (1963–)  wikidata:Q15080600
Ralf Roletschek
Descrición enxeñeiro civil e fotógrafo German
Data de nacemento 1963 Editar isso no Wikidata
Lugar de nacemento Eberswalde Editar isso no Wikidata
Período de actividade desde o 1979
date QS:P,+1979-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P580,+1979-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Lugar de traballo
Barcelona, Wien, Eberswalde
Control de autoridade
creator QS:P170,Q15080600
(Reuso deste ficheiro)

Dieses Foto ist von Ralf Roletschek

Achtung: Dieses Bild ist nicht gemeinfrei. Es ist zwar frei benutzbar, aber gesetzlich geschützt.

This photo was created by Ralf Roletschek

Note: this image is not in the Public Domain. It is free to use but protected by law.

Entweder wird der Hinweis entsprechend den Lizenzbedingungen angegeben oder wie folgt:

Ralf Roletschek / mit Link zu meiner Homepage

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Either the notice is given in accordance with the license conditions or as follows::

Ralf Roletschek / with link to my homepage

near to the photo or at a location that is common in your publication but preserving the association between image and credit. In any event, copyright and license are to be mentioned.

Bitte lesen Sie den vollen Lizenztext gründlich, bevor Sie das Bild nutzen! Wenn Sie Fragen zu den Lizenzvereinbarungen haben oder weniger restriktive kommerzielle Lizenzen wünschen, kontaktieren Sie mich per Mail: Die Verwendung eines meiner Fotos in Facebook werde ich als Urheberrechtsverletzung verfolgen lassen.

Please review the full license requirements carefully before using this image. If you would like to clarify the terms of the license or negotiate less restrictive commercial licensing outside of the bounds of Licenses, please contact me by email:

Please do not upload a modified image here without consultation with the author.
The author would like to make possible minor modifications only at his own source. (The source is usually a RAW file. Processing of the JPEG file means a loss of quality.) This ensures that the changes and the quality are preserved.
If you think that any changes should be required, please contact the author.
Otherwise you can upload a new image with a new name. Please use one of the templates Derivative or Extracted. Please enter your name too, if you upload a derivative or a detail, because you're in charge of the changes.
Please do not rename this file. The name is part of the attribution. In the case of misstatements, the author is pleased to provide information.
GNU head Autorízase a copia, distribución e/ou modificación deste documento baixo os termos da licenza de documentación libre GNU, versión 1.2 que publique a Free Software Foundation; sen seccións invariables, textos de portada, nin textos de contraportada. Inclúese unha copia da devandita licenza na sección titulada GNU Free Documentation License. 1.2 só
Licence Art Libre Copyleft: Esta obra de arte é libre; podes redistribuíla e/ou modificala segundo os termos da licenza de arte libre. Atoparás un exemplar desta licenza na páxina do Copyleft Attitude, así como tamén noutras páxinas.

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tamanho dos dados portugués

12.022.110 Byte

2.698 píxel

4.062 píxel

70 milímetro

Historial do ficheiro

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actual24 de decembro de 2017 ás 21:02Miniatura da versión ás 21:02 do 24 de decembro de 20174.062 × 2.698 (11,47 MB)Ralf Roletschek{{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
31 de xullo de 2017 ás 21:50Miniatura da versión ás 21:50 do 31 de xullo de 20172.144 × 1.424 (703 kB)Ralf Roletschek{{Information |Description={{de|Stadtzentrum Eberswalde}} |Source={{own}} |Date=2017-07-06 |Author={{User:Ralf Roletschek/Autor}} |Permission={{User:Ralf Roletschek/Autor4}} |other_versions= }} {{GFDL-1.2}} Category:Eberswalde

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