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Ficheiro orixinal (666 × 632 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 146 kB; tipo MIME: image/png)


English: 20 CZK coin of 2002 (reverse), depicting theon Wenceslas Square, inscription from the monument "SVATÝ VÁCLAVE NEDEJ ZAHYNOUTI NÁM I BUDOUCÍM" ("Saint Wenceslas do not let perish us nor our descendants").
Čeština: 20 Kč mince 10 Kč z roku 2002 (rubová strana)
Orixe Obra propia
Autoría the coin designed by Vladimír Oppl based on statue by Josef Václav Myslbek, coin photographed by Jklamo
(Reuso deste ficheiro)

This work depicts a denomination issued by the Czech National Bank, which is not subject to copyright protection as it is an official work and there is public interest in its exclusion from copyright protection. This does not necessarily apply on such coins which are not official works (privately issued commemorative coins etc.).

The Act No. 136/2011 Coll. and the decree of the Czech National Bank No. 274/2011 Coll.(engl. version) define the terms and conditions under which it is possible to reproduce money:

For intangible reproductions of banknotes, it is required that their resolution does not exceed 72 dots per inch and they are marked with the word “Specimen” printed diagonally in an opaque colour and in a layer that cannot be separated from the image of the banknote, with the length of the word being at least 75% of the longer side of the banknote and the height being at least 15% of the shorter side of the banknote (or with another word of the same dimensions and similar meaning). Intangible or nonmetallic images of coins may always be produced.

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149.503 Byte

632 píxel

666 píxel

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actual19 de maio de 2011 ás 14:30Miniatura da versión ás 14:30 do 19 de maio de 2011666 × 632 (146 kB)Jklamo{{Information |Description ={{en|1=20 CZK coin of 2002 (reverse), depicting the St. Wenceslas monument on Wenceslas Square, inscription from the monument "SVATÝ VÁCLAVE NEDEJ ZAHYNOUTI NÁM I BUDOUCÍM

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