It has been requested to crop a part of this image, so that the cropped part can serve as its own image for Angelo Domenghini.
Crop instructions: Crop to show the man
If you perform the crop, please
copy this file metadata and upload it using this upload form with “{{Extracted from|File:Ajman 1968-08-25 stamp - Angelo Domenghini.jpg}}” appended to the source field.
add {{Image extracted|xxx.ext}} to the other versions field of this file.
add the new file as an image to the Wikidata item.
This image of a postage stamp from United Arab Emirates is in the public domain both in United Arab Emirates and in other countries adhering to international copyright treaties, because, though the 2002 copyright law of the United Arab Emirates states that such works as stamps are protected for 50 years starting from 1 January of the publication year, the 1992 copyright law (DOC) gave a 25 years copyright protection (starting from the publication date). Therefore all UAE postage stamps printed before 1977 are in public domain.
To uploader: Please provide the year when the stamp was issued.
United Arab Emirates
Pés de foto
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Este ficheiro contén información adicional, probablemente engadida pola cámara dixital ou polo escáner usado para crear ou dixitalizar a imaxe. Se o ficheiro orixinal foi modificado, poida que algúns detalles non se reflictan no ficheiro modificado.