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Ficheiro:Belarusian Ballet (silver) rv.png

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Belarusian_Ballet_(silver)_rv.png (370 × 370 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 61 kB; tipo MIME: image/png)


Русский: История и культура Беларуси. Памятные монеты "Белорусский балет"
English: History and Culture of Belarus. Commemorative coin "Belarusian Ballet"
Autoría С. Заскевич (Беларусь)
(Reuso deste ficheiro)
Public domain This work is not an object of copyright according to the Law of the Belarus No. 370-XIII of May 16, 1996 on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights.

Article 8. Works that are not Objects of Copyright

  1. Shall not be objects of copyright:
    • formal documents (laws, judgements, other texts of legal, administrative and judicial nature), and also their official translations;
    • state symbols and signs (flag, coat of arms, anthem, awards, banknotes and other signs[1]);
    • works of folk arts, authors of which are not known.
  2. Copyright does not cover ideas, processes, systems, methods of operation, concepts, principles, discoveries or simply information as such, even if they are expressed, reflected, explained or embodied in the work.

Full text of the Law: in Russian, in English.

  1. Postage stamps are state signs according to the Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 258-З of December 15, 2003 on Mail Service (ru) почтовая марка – государственный знак почтовой оплаты, отпечатанный на бумаге и имеющий художественное изображение, а также надписи «БЕЛАРУСЬ», «BELARUS», год выпуска (арабскими цифрами) и номинальную стоимость (арабскими цифрами). Допускается литерное обозначение номинальной стоимости почтовой марки;

Comment – According to interstate and international compacts the Republic of Belarus is the legal successor of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, therefore this license tag is also applicable to official symbols and formal documents of the Byelorussian SSR.

Warning – This license tag cannot be applied to proposed official symbols and drafts of the formal documents, which can be copyrighted.

беларуская  беларуская (тарашкевіца)  English  日本語  македонски  русский  українська  简体中文  繁體中文  +/−


Public domain This work is not an object of copyright according to the Law of the Belarus No. 370-XIII of May 16, 1996 on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights.

Article 8. Works that are not Objects of Copyright

  1. Shall not be objects of copyright:
    • formal documents (laws, judgements, other texts of legal, administrative and judicial nature), and also their official translations;
    • state symbols and signs (flag, coat of arms, anthem, awards, banknotes and other signs[1]);
    • works of folk arts, authors of which are not known.
  2. Copyright does not cover ideas, processes, systems, methods of operation, concepts, principles, discoveries or simply information as such, even if they are expressed, reflected, explained or embodied in the work.

Full text of the Law: in Russian, in English.

  1. Postage stamps are state signs according to the Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 258-З of December 15, 2003 on Mail Service (ru) почтовая марка – государственный знак почтовой оплаты, отпечатанный на бумаге и имеющий художественное изображение, а также надписи «БЕЛАРУСЬ», «BELARUS», год выпуска (арабскими цифрами) и номинальную стоимость (арабскими цифрами). Допускается литерное обозначение номинальной стоимости почтовой марки;

Comment – According to interstate and international compacts the Republic of Belarus is the legal successor of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, therefore this license tag is also applicable to official symbols and formal documents of the Byelorussian SSR.

Warning – This license tag cannot be applied to proposed official symbols and drafts of the formal documents, which can be copyrighted.

беларуская  беларуская (тарашкевіца)  English  日本語  македонски  русский  українська  简体中文  繁體中文  +/−

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27 de xaneiro de 2011, 13:27:52 370 × 370 (77511 bytes) Azgar (conversa · contribucións) == Summary == {{Information |Description ={{ru|1=История и культура Беларуси. Памятные монеты "Белорусский балет"}} {{en|1=History and Culture of Belarus. Commemorative coin "Belarusian Ballet"}} |

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