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Ficheiro:Emblem of Afghanistan (1929).svg

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Ficheiro orixinal (ficheiro SVG; resolución de 638 × 567 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 63 kB)


English: Arms of the regimen of Habibullah Kalakani (january-october 1929). This is the CoA of 1919, without shako, swords and adding branches.
Data 1929; vectorization 2011
Orixe Obra propia
Autoría Falerístico


Public domain
This work is in the public domain in Afghanistan according to The law on the support the right of authors, composers, artists and researchers (Copy Right Law). (unofficial English translation) because:
  • It is a photograph, painting, or other audiovisual work originally published more than 50 years ago, or
  • It is any other form of protected work and more than 50 years have passed since the death of the last surviving author and the date of original publication.

All works published using a pseudonym enter the public domain 50 years after publication, unless the author's identity subsequently becomes known. Afghan copyright law only protects “photographic works that have been created using an original mode” (Art. 6).

Important note: Works of foreign (non-U.S.) origin must be out of copyright or freely licensed in both their home country and the United States in order to be accepted on Commons. Works of Afghan origin that were under copyright in Afghanistan on July 29, 2016 may be copyrighted in the U.S. under the URAA. For more information, see U.S. Copyright Office Circular 38A. Works of Afghan origin that were no longer under copyright in Afghanistan on July 29, 2016 are not copyrighted in the U.S. due to a previous lack of copyright relations between the U.S. and Afghanistan.

Debe incluír tamén unha etiqueta de dominio público dos Estados Unidos para indicar por que esta obra se atopa no dominio público nos Estados Unidos.

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Emblem of Afghanistan (1929)

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actual24 de abril de 2011 ás 17:00Miniatura da versión ás 17:00 do 24 de abril de 2011638 × 567 (63 kB)FalerísticoBorders.
24 de abril de 2011 ás 13:03Miniatura da versión ás 13:03 do 24 de abril de 2011638 × 567 (65 kB)Falerístico{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Arms of the regimen of Habibullah Kalakani (january-october 1929). This is the CoA of 1919, without shako, swords and adding branches.}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Falerístico |Da

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