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Ficheiro:Esther Niubó Cidoncha, Consellera d'Educació i Formació Professional.png

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Español: Esther Niubó Cidoncha, Consellera d'Educació i Formació Professional
Autoría Generalitat de Catalunya


Este ficheiro, originalmente carregado num site externo, ainda não foi revisto por um administrador ou revisor para confirmar que a licença acima é válida. Para mais detalhes, consulte a categoria Category:License review needed.
This work was published on the website of the Generalitat de Catalunya The legal notice permits the reproduction, distribution and public communication of the work and, furthermore, the transformation of the work in order to make derived works, for everyone and without time limits, and provided that it does not contradict any license or notice that a work may hold. The following conditions must be followed:
  • Not distort the meaning of the information. (see moral rights)
  • Always quote the source of the information.
  • State the date of the latest update of the information
To the uploader: Please provide a link to the original file and cite authorship as "Generalitat de Catalunya. Department of [name]. [Autonomous body, public Company]".

© O propietario dos dereitos de autor deste ficheiro, Generalitat de Catalunya, permite que calquera poida usalo para calquera propósito, sempre e cando se lle recoñeza a autoría a quen cede os dereitos. A redistribución, edición, uso comercial e calquera outro tipo de uso están permitidos.
Generalitat de Catalunya

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actual12 de agosto de 2024 ás 18:19Miniatura da versión ás 18:19 do 12 de agosto de 2024862 × 478 (407 kB)Danielmoreno4774Uploaded a work by Generalitat de Catalunya from with UploadWizard

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