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Ficheiro:Estimations of Human Brain Emulation Required Performance.svg

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Ficheiro orixinal (ficheiro SVG; resolución de 800 × 600 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 49 kB)


English: Estimates of how much processing power is needed to emulate a human brain at various levels, along with the fastest supercomputer from TOP500 mapped by year, and a trendline. Exponential plot, with assumption of doubling of computational power every 1.1 years for the trendline.
Orixe Obra propia, data from [1], PPTSuperComputersPRINT.jpg, and [2].
Autoría Tga.D
SVG desenvolvimento
O código fonte deste ficheiro SVG é válido.
Esta imaxe vectorial foi creada co Gnuplot 5.2
Este ficheiro SVG emprega texto encapsulado que pode ser traducido de xeito doado.
Código fonte

Gnuplot code

set terminal svg size 800 600 fname "Times,13"
set output "Estimations of Human Brain Emulation Required Performance.svg"
set notitle
set key reverse Left left at 1993, 10**40 noautotitles box # good chunk of whitespace to put the key in
set datafile separator ","

set logscale y # use a logarithmic scale, for easier visualization of exponential growth
set format y "10^{%T}"
set yrange[10**9:10**45]
set ylabel "Flop/s"

set xrange [1990:2065]
set xlabel "Year"
set xtics 1990,5,2065
set mxtics 5
#set grid # I think it looks better without, but it's a matter of preference

# labels for each of the levels of emulation
set label "Analog network population model" at 2010, 10**14.5 left
set label "Spiking neural network" at 2010, 10**17.5 right
set label "Electrophysiology" at 2035, 10**22.5 right
set label "Metabolome" at 2047, 10**25.5 right
set label "Proteome" at 2050, 10**26.5 right
set label "States of protein complexes" at 2054, 10**27.5 right
set label "Distribution of complexes" at 2064, 10**30.5 right
set label "Stochastic behavior of single molecules" at 2064, 10**42.5 right

set label "Functional Simulation" at 2020, 10**16.5 left
set label "Neural Simulation" at 2030, 10**19.5 left

# best-fit is as of June 2022 list, to two sigfigs
# horizontal lines plotted to represent levels of emulation
# plot of historical TOP500 #1's stored in a .csv
# colors and sizes picked from what I thought was easiest to see
# titles done for one of each type of line, for the key
plot 87000000000.0*(2**((x-1993)/1.2)) lw 6 lc 0 w lines title "Trendline (doubling every 1.2 years)",\
     10**15 ls 3 lt rgb "#0073E6", \
     10**18 ls 3 lt rgb "#0073E6", \
     10**22 ls 3 lt rgb "#0073E6", \
     10**25 ls 3 lt rgb "#0073E6", \
     10**26 ls 3 lt rgb "#0073E6", \
     10**27 ls 3 lt rgb "#0073E6", \
     10**30 ls 3 lt rgb "#0073E6", \
     10**43 ls 3 lt rgb "#0073E6" title "Sandberg, Bostrom estimates (2008)",\
     10**16 ls 2 dt (50,10) lc rgb "#89CE00", \
     10**19 ls 2 dt (50,10) lt rgb "#89CE00" title "Kurzweil estimates (2005)",\
     "TOP500.csv" using 1:2 ls 1 lt rgb "#B51963" pt 7 ps .5 with linespoints title "Fastest Supercomputer (TOP500 #1)"


The #1 computer over the years from TOP500, used to generate the supercomputer line at the end of the Gnuplot code. The name of each supercomputer is in the file, but unused in the code/chart. Whole number years represent a June list, .5 represents a November list. 

1993.5,124000000000,Numerical Wind Tunnel
1994.5,170000000000,Numerical Wind Tunnel
1997,1068000000000,ASCI Red
1997.5,1338000000000,ASCI Red
1999,2121000000000,ASCI Red
1999.5,2379000000000,ASCI Red
2000.5,4938000000000,ASCI White
2001,7226000000000,ASCI White
2004.5,70720000000000,BlueGene/L beta-System
2011,8162000000000000,K computer
2011.5,10510000000000000,K computer
2016,93014600000000000,Sunway TaihuLight
2024,17420000000000000000,El Capitan


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Historial do ficheiro

Prema nunha data/hora para ver o ficheiro tal e como estaba nese momento.

actual22 de febreiro de 2023 ás 00:40Miniatura da versión ás 00:40 do 22 de febreiro de 2023800 × 600 (49 kB)Tga.Dupdated data, fixed colors and styles to be more color blind-friendly
7 de marzo de 2022 ás 16:11Miniatura da versión ás 16:11 do 7 de marzo de 2022800 × 600 (37 kB)Daemon2010Added Fugaku
20 de febreiro de 2019 ás 06:32Miniatura da versión ás 06:32 do 20 de febreiro de 2019800 × 600 (45 kB)Tga.DIncrease font size; adjust label positions
20 de febreiro de 2019 ás 06:15Miniatura da versión ás 06:15 do 20 de febreiro de 2019800 × 600 (45 kB)Tga.DRegenerated with a newer version of gnuplot, and more recent TOP500 data. Opted to not update the trendline, as the divergence from expected seems more relevant.
18 de xuño de 2013 ás 22:20Miniatura da versión ás 22:20 do 18 de xuño de 2013800 × 600 (34 kB)Tga.DNew #1 on the TOP 500 June 2013 list.
24 de decembro de 2012 ás 01:07Miniatura da versión ás 01:07 do 24 de decembro de 2012800 × 600 (34 kB)Tga.Dlarge mediawiki-generated png versions had messed up spacing in the key, switching the order to see if it fixes it
24 de decembro de 2012 ás 00:29Miniatura da versión ás 00:29 do 24 de decembro de 2012800 × 600 (34 kB)Tga.DUser created page with UploadWizard

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