Physical flag obtained directly from City of Annapolis in early June 2020
— Suggested caption for this image:
Annapolis's first official flag, adopted in January 1965, is styled after the personal royal badge of Queen Anne after whom the city was named. Resembling the floral badge of Great Britain, a crown hovers over a thistle (representing Scotland) and a rose (representing England), growing from a single stalk to portray their union. The motto Vixi liber et moriar means "I have lived free and will die so".
— Quotation from the Annapolis Evening Capital, January 12, 1965:
Image caption on page 1 of newspaper: "City's First Flag ... The emblem which the flag depicts was the personal badge of Queen Anne of England, for whom Annapolis was named, which she wore to symbolize the union between England--represented by the rose on the right--and Scotland--represented by the thistle on the left. The red rose is of the House of Lancaster and the white rose of the House of York. The hovering crown further emphasizes unity. At the flag's base is the motto, "Vixi liber et moriar" ("I have lived free and will die so").
Esta imaxe representa unha bandeira, un escudo, un selo ou algunha outra insignia oficial. O uso destes símbolos está restrinxido en moitos países. Estas restricións son independentes do estado dos dereitos de autoría.
For original flag design:
Styled after a 300+ year old design for Queen Anne (1965 flag doesn't meet threshold of originality warranting copyright protection)
Published in U.S. without apparent copyright notice at least as early as its official adoption in January 1965.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Este trabalho está em domínio público porque foi publicado nos Estados Unidos entre 1930 e 1977, inclusive, sem um aviso de direitos autorais. A menos que seu autor esteja morto por vários anos, não é do domínio público nos países ou áreas que não se aplica a regra do curto prazo para as obras dos E.U.A, como o Canadá (70 apm), China (50 apm, com exceção de Hong Kong e Macau), Alemanha (70 apm), México (100 apm), Suíça (70 apm), e de outros países com tratados individuais. Veja esta página para mais explicações.
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