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Ficheiro:Helmingham Hall Hoard Unique ID SF-8C645E.jpg

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English: The hoard contains one gold aureus of Claudius I (issued AD 41-2). It also contains 17 Iron Age gold coins (14 staters and 3 quarter stater of Cunobelin (c. AD 10-40). The remainder of the coins in the hoard are all silver denarii (the earliest dated coin in the hoard is a Republican Roman denarius issued in c. 206 to 195 BC and the latest are two denarii issued during the reign of the emperor Claudius I in AD 46-7. The group also includes a denarius issued by King Juba I in Numidia.

A total of 35 sherds of pottery (Table 1), weighing 70.65 grams, were recovered before and during the excavation of the Hoard. Almost all the sherds are likely to belong to the same vessel, which probably contained the hoard; they are fragments of a grey ware bowl or jug. Among the grey ware fragments there is an undiagnostic probably construction building material fragment.

Subsequent action after recording: Submitted for consideration as Treasure

Treasure case tracking number: 2019T794

Date(s) of discovery: Monday 9th September 2019
Autoría Portable Antiquities Scheme


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Scattered Roman denarius hoard.

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actual26 de agosto de 2024 ás 19:44Miniatura da versión ás 19:44 do 26 de agosto de 20248.031 × 5.420 (18,93 MB)NeverBeGameOverUploaded a work by Portable Antiquities Scheme from with UploadWizard

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