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Ficheiro orixinal (684 × 829 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 222 kB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)


Français : Françoise Sagan, cheveux courts et bouclés chatain, fixe l'object en souriant. Elle est vêtue d'un manteau gris foncé et d'un chemisier à col rond, gris clair.
Autoría Inconnu


This file is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it is a legally valid French identity photograph. It is therefore compliant with strict guidelines on composition, lighting etc. that precludes any of the intellectual input necessary under French law to yield a copyright. This holds true whether the photograph was created by a photo booth or with the intervention of a human operator.
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829 píxel

684 píxel


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actual22 de setembro de 2023 ás 11:17Miniatura da versión ás 11:17 do 22 de setembro de 2023684 × 829 (222 kB)TisourcierUploaded a work by Inconnu from with UploadWizard

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