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Ficheiro:Julia set f(z)=1 over az5+z3+bz.png

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Ficheiro orixinal(2.000 × 2.000 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 844 kB; tipo MIME: image/png)


English: Julia set f(z)=1/((0,15+0,15i)z5+z3+(-3+3i)z) on [-3;3]x[-3;3].

Location by Michael Becker[1]. Analysis by marcm200 and xenodreambuie[2]. Help of Claude Heiland-Allen. The Julia set (boundary of filled-in Julia set) itself is not drawn: we see it as the locus of points where the level curves are especially close to each other = a place with high density of level curves.

{0, infinity} is superattractive period 2 cycle in the exterior.

In the interior there are two period-4 cycles:

  • 0.110964246025498911030204851613-0.0459628956422664519676501981849i, -0.753562725059588878195881989086-1.81926135093768714945383635495i, 0.0951541874285335154137754898329-0.0394141549494900420014253938916i, -0.877971698675046430260238139454-2.11961118232104128722426139575i
  • 0.753562725059588878195881989086+1.81926135093768714945383635495i, -0.0951541874285335154137754898329+0.0394141549494900420014253938916i, 0.877971698675046430260238139454+2.11961118232104128722426139575i, -0.110964246025498911030204851613+0.0459628956422664519676501981849i
Deutsch: f(z)=1/((0,15+0,15i)z5+z3+(-3+3i)z), dargestellt auf [-3;3]x[-3;3].
Orixe Obra propia
Autoría Adam majewski


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recoñecemento compartir igual
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c source code


  a: (0,15+0,15i)
  b: (-3+3i)
  f: 1/(a*z^5+ b*z^3 + z);
  dz = -(5*a*z^4+3*b*z^2+1)/(a*z^5+b*z^3+z)^2

  Adam Majewski
  adammaj1 aaattt o2 dot pl  // o like oxygen not 0 like zero 
  Structure of a program or how to analyze the program 
  ============== Image X ========================
  DrawImageOf -> DrawPointOf -> ComputeColorOf ( FunctionTypeT FunctionType , complex double z) -> ComputeColor
  check only last function  which computes color of one pixel for given Function Type


  indent d.c 
  default is gnu style 

  c console progam 
  gcc d.c -lm -Wall -march=native -fopenmp
  time ./a.out > b.txt

  gcc d.c -lm -Wall -march=native -fopenmp

  time ./a.out

  time ./a.out >i.txt
  time ./a.out >e.txt
  convert -limit memory 1000mb -limit disk 1gb dd30010000_20_3_0.90.pgm -resize 2000x2000 10.png


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>		// malloc
#include <string.h>		// strcat
#include <math.h>		// M_PI; needs -lm also
#include <complex.h>
#include <omp.h>		// OpenMP
#include <limits.h>		// Maximum value for an unsigned long long int


#if defined(__STDC__)
#define PREDEF_STANDARD_C_1989
#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__)
#if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199409L)
#define PREDEF_STANDARD_C_1994
#if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
#define PREDEF_STANDARD_C_1999

/* --------------------------------- global variables and consts ------------------------------------------------------------ */

typedef enum  {Fatou = 0, IntLSM =1 , ExtLSM = 2, LSM = 3, DEM = 4, Unknown = 5 , BD = 6, MBD = 7 , SAC = 8, DLD = 9, ND = 10 , NP= 11, POT = 12 , Blend = 13, White= 14, Fatou_ab = 15, Fatou_abi = 16, LSM_m = 17 
} FunctionTypeT; 
// FunctionTypeT FunctionType;

// virtual 2D array and integer ( screen) coordinate
// Indexes of array starts from 0 not 1 
//unsigned int ix, iy; // var
static unsigned int ixMin = 0;	// Indexes of array starts from 0 not 1
static unsigned int ixMax;	//
static unsigned int iWidth;	// horizontal dimension of array

static unsigned int iyMin = 0;	// Indexes of array starts from 0 not 1
static unsigned int iyMax;	//

static unsigned int iHeight = 20000;	//  
// The size of array has to be a positive constant integer 
static unsigned long long int iSize;	// = iWidth*iHeight; 

// memmory 1D array 
unsigned char *data;
unsigned char *edge;
//unsigned char *edge2;

// unsigned int i; // var = index of 1D array
//static unsigned int iMin = 0; // Indexes of array starts from 0 not 1
static unsigned int iMax;	// = i2Dsize-1  = 
// The size of array has to be a positive constant integer 
// unsigned int i1Dsize ; // = i2Dsize  = (iMax -iMin + 1) =  ;  1D array with the same size as 2D array

// see SetPlane

double radius = 3.0; 
complex double center = 0.0 ;
double  DisplayAspectRatio  = 1.0; //
// dx = dy compare setup : iWidth = iHeight;
double ZxMin; //= -1.3;	//-0.05;
double ZxMax;// = 1.3;	//0.75;
double ZyMin;// = -1.3;	//-0.1;
double ZyMax;// = 1.3;	//0.7;
double PixelWidth;	// =(ZxMax-ZxMin)/ixMax;
double PixelHeight;	// =(ZyMax-ZyMin)/iyMax;

// dem
double BoundaryWidth ; //= 1.0*iWidth/2000.0  ; //  measured in pixels ( when iWidth = 2000) 
double distanceMax ; //= BoundaryWidth*PixelWidth;

double ratio; 

  ER = pow(10,ERe);
  AR = pow(10,-ARe);
//int ARe ;			// increase ARe until black ( unknown) points disapear 
//int ERe ;
double ER;
double ER2;			//= 1e60;
double AR; // bigger values do not works
double AR2;

double AR_max;
//double AR12;

int IterMax = 100000;
int IterMax_LSM = 1000;
int IterMax_DEM = 100000;

/* colors = shades of gray from 0 to 255 

   unsigned char colorArray[2][2]={{255,231},    {123,99}};
   color = 245;  exterior 
unsigned char iColorOfExterior = 245;
unsigned char iColorOfInterior = 99;
unsigned char iColorOfInterior1 = 100;
unsigned char iColorOfInterior2 = 183;
unsigned char iColorOfBoundary = 0;
unsigned char iColorOfUnknown = 5;

// pixel counters
unsigned long long int uUnknown = 0;
unsigned long long int uInterior = 0;
unsigned long long int uExterior = 0;

// critical points

// critical points
complex double zcr1; //
complex double zcr2;// = -2.2351741790771484375e-08+9.4296410679817199707e-09*I;
complex double zcr3; //
complex double zcr4;// 

const complex double z_cr[4]= {0.389374737779177*I-0.9400337727919567,

const int period = 4;

// periodic points = attractors
//complex double z1 =  0.0 ; //fixed point (period  1) =  attracting cycle

  attracting periodic points : 
  2 period 4 cycles found by marcm200
const complex double zp4a[4]= { -0.753562725059588878195881989086-1.81926135093768714945383635495*I, 0.110964246025498911030204851613-0.0459628956422664519676501981849*I , 0.0951541874285335154137754898329-0.0394141549494900420014253938916*I, -0.877971698675046430260238139454-2.11961118232104128722426139575*I};
const complex double zp4b[4]= {0.753562725059588878195881989086+1.81926135093768714945383635495*I, -0.0951541874285335154137754898329+0.0394141549494900420014253938916*I,  0.877971698675046430260238139454+2.11961118232104128722426139575*I, -0.110964246025498911030204851613+0.0459628956422664519676501981849*I};

const complex double zp4a0 = -0.753562725059588878195881989086-1.81926135093768714945383635495*I;
const complex double zp4b0 = 0.753562725059588878195881989086+1.81926135093768714945383635495*I;

/* ------------------------------------------ functions -------------------------------------------------------------*/

   a: (0.15+0.15*%i);
   b: (-3+3*%i);
   f: 1/(a*z^5+ b*z^3 + z);
   dz = -(5*a*z^4+3*b*z^2+1)/(a*z^5+b*z^3+z)^2

const complex double a =  0.15 + 0.15*I;
const complex double b = -3.0  + 3.0*I;

// complex function
complex double f(const complex double z0) {

  double complex z = z0;
  complex double z2 = z*z;
  complex double z3 = z2*z;
  complex double z5 = z3*z2;
  z = 1.0/(a*z5 + z3 + b*z);
  return  z;

complex double dfz(const complex double z0) {

  // dz= -(5*a*z^4+3*z^2+b) / (a*z^5+z^3+b*z)^2
  double complex z = z0;
  complex double z2= z*z;
  complex double z4 = z2*z2;
  complex double numerator = -5.0*a*z4 - 3.0*z2 - b ;
  complex double denom = a*z4*z + z2*z + b*z;
  denom = denom*denom; // ^2
  return  numerator/denom;

// from screen to world coordinate ; linear mapping
// uses global cons
double GiveZx (int ix)
  return (ZxMin + ix * PixelWidth);

// uses globaal cons
double GiveZy (int iy)
  return (ZyMax - iy * PixelHeight);
}				// reverse y axis

complex double GiveZ (int ix, int iy)
  double Zx = GiveZx (ix);
  double Zy = GiveZy (iy);

  return Zx + Zy * I;


//------------------complex numbers -----------------------------------------------------

double cabs2(complex double z){

  return creal(z)*creal(z)+cimag(z)*cimag(z);


/* -----------  array functions = drawing -------------- */

/* gives position of 2D point (ix,iy) in 1D array  ; uses also global variable iWidth */
unsigned int Give_i (unsigned int ix, unsigned int iy)
  return ix + iy * iWidth;


is it possible to adjust AR so that level curves in interior have figure 8?

find such AR for internal LCM/J and LSM that level curves croses critical point and it's preimages
for attracting ( also weakly attracting = parabolic) dynamics

it may fail 
* if one iteration is bigger then smallest distance between periodic point zp and Julia set
* if critical point is attracted by another cycye ( then change periodic point zp)

Made with help of Claude Heiland-Allen

double GiveTunedAR(const int iter_Max){

  fprintf(stdout, " GiveTunedAR\n");

  complex double z = zcr1; // initial point z0 = criical point 
  int iter;
  double r = 50 * PixelWidth; // initial value 
  double t;
  // iterate critical point
	for (iter=0; iter< iter_Max; ++iter ){
		// check attractor from first basin  
		t = cabs(zp4a0 - z);
		if ( t < r)
      			r = t;
		// check second basin
		t = cabs(zp4b0 - z);
		if (t < r)
			r = t;
  	z = f(z); // forward iteration
  // check distance between zn = f^n(zcr) and periodic point zp
  fprintf(stdout, "  r = %f = %d * pixeWidth \n",  r, (int) (r/PixelWidth));
 // use it as a AR
 return r;

// ****************** DYNAMICS = trap tests ( target sets) ****************************

// ???????

int IsInterior(complex double z){

  if (
      cabs2(zp4a0-z) < AR2 || 
      cabs2(zp4b0-z) < AR2 
    {return 1;}
  return 0;


  3 basins:
  - exterior
  - interior
  - unknown ( possibly empty set ) 

unsigned char ComputeColorOfFatou (complex double z)

  double r2;

  int i;			// number of iteration
  for (i = 0; i < IterMax; ++i)

      r2 =cabs2(z);
      if (r2 > ER2) // esaping = exterior
	  uExterior += 1;
	  return iColorOfExterior;
      if (IsInterior(z)) // 
	  return iColorOfInterior;
      z = f(z);		//  iteration: z(n+1) = f(zn)


  return iColorOfUnknown;


  3 basins 
  - exterior
  - interior ( consist of 2 attracting basins)
  - - basin 1 
  - - basin 2
  - unknown ( possibly empty set ) 


unsigned char ComputeColorOfFatou_ab (complex double z)

  double r2;

  int i;			// number of iteration
  for (i = 0; i < IterMax; ++i)

      r2 =cabs2(z);
      if (r2 > ER2) // esaping = exterior
	  uExterior += 1;
	  return iColorOfExterior;
      //Interior = 2 Attraction basins 
      if ( cabs2(zp4a0-z) < AR2 ){ return iColorOfInterior1;}
      if (cabs2(zp4b0-z) < AR2 ) { return iColorOfInterior2;}			
      z = f(z);		//  iteration: z(n+1) = f(zn)


  return iColorOfUnknown;


  3 basins 
  - exterior
  - interior ( consist of 2 attracting basins) each basin is colored according to position in the cycle
  - - basin 1 
  - - basin 2
  - unknown ( possibly empty set ) 


unsigned char ComputeColorOfFatou_abi (complex double z)

  double r2;

  int i;			// number of iteration
  for (i = 0; i < IterMax; ++i)

      r2 =cabs2(z);
      if (r2 > ER2) // esaping = exterior
	  uExterior += 1;
	  return iColorOfExterior;
      //Interior = 2 Attraction basins 
      if ( cabs2(zp4a0-z) < AR2 ){ return iColorOfInterior1 - (i % period)*20;}
      if (cabs2(zp4b0-z) < AR2 ) { return iColorOfInterior2 - (i % period)*19;}			
      z = f(z);		//  iteration: z(n+1) = f(zn)


  return iColorOfUnknown;


unsigned char ComputeColorOfLSM (complex double z)

  double r2;

  int i;			// number of iteration
  for (i = 0; i < IterMax_LSM; ++i)


      // complex iteration f(z)=z^3 + c
      r2 =cabs2(z);
      if (r2 > ER2) // esaping = exterior
	  uExterior += 1;
	  return 255- (i % 255);
      if (IsInterior(z)) // 
	  return 255- ((2*i) % 255);
      z = f(z);	


  return iColorOfUnknown;


unsigned char ComputeColorOfLSM_m (complex double z)

  double r2;

  int i;			// number of iteration
  for (i = 0; i < IterMax_LSM; ++i)


      // complex iteration f(z)=z^3 + c
      r2 =cabs2(z);
      if (r2 > ER2) // esaping = exterior
	  uExterior += 1;
	  return 255- (i % 255);
      if (IsInterior(z)) // 
	  return  (i % 255);
      z = f(z);	


  return iColorOfUnknown; //iColorOfUnknown;


// ***************************************************************************************************************************
// ************************** DEM/J*****************************************
// ****************************************************************************************************************************

unsigned char ComputeColorOfDEMJ(complex double z){

  int nMax = IterMax_DEM;
  complex double dz = 1.0; //  is first derivative with respect to z.
  double distance;
  double cabsz;
  int n;

  for (n=0; n < nMax; n++){ //forward iteration
    cabsz = cabs(z);
    if (cabsz > 1e60 || cabs(dz)> 1e60) { break; }// big values 
    if (IsInterior(z)) { return iColorOfInterior2;} // falls into finite attractor = interior
    dz = dfz(z)*dz; 
    z = f(z) ; /* forward iteration : complex cubic polynomial */ 
  distance = 2.0 * cabsz* log(cabsz)/ cabs(dz);
  if (distance <distanceMax) return iColorOfBoundary; // distanceMax = BoundaryWidth*PixelWidth;
  // else
  return iColorOfExterior;


/* ==================================================================================================
   ============================= Draw functions ===============================================================
unsigned char ComputeColor(FunctionTypeT FunctionType, complex double z){

  unsigned char iColor;
  case Fatou :{iColor = ComputeColorOfFatou(z); break;}
  case Fatou_ab :{iColor = ComputeColorOfFatou_ab(z); break;}
  case Fatou_abi :{iColor = ComputeColorOfFatou_abi(z); break;}
    // case IntLSM :{iColor = ComputeColorOfIntLSM(z); break;}
    // case ExtLSM :{iColor = ComputeColorOfExtLSM(z); break;}
  case LSM :{iColor = ComputeColorOfLSM(z); break;}
  case LSM_m :{iColor = ComputeColorOfLSM_m(z); break;}
  case DEM : {iColor = ComputeColorOfDEMJ(z); break;}
  	case Unknown : {iColor = ComputeColorOfUnknown(z); break;}
  	case BD : {iColor = ComputeColorOfBD(z); break;}
  	case MBD : {iColor = ComputeColorOfMBD(z); break;}
  	case SAC : {iColor = ComputeColorOfSAC(z); break;}
  	case DLD : {iColor = ComputeColorOfDLD(z); break;}
  	case ND : {iColor = ComputeColorOfND(z); break;}
  	case NP : {iColor = ComputeColorOfNP(z); break;}
  	case POT : {iColor = ComputeColorOfPOT(z); break;}
  	case Blend : {iColor = ComputeColorOfBlend(z); break;}
  case White : {iColor = 255;}
  default: {}
  return iColor;


// plots raster point (ix,iy) 
int DrawPoint ( unsigned char A[], FunctionTypeT FunctionType, int ix, int iy)
  int i;			/* index of 1D array */
  unsigned char iColor;
  complex double z;

  i = Give_i (ix, iy);		/* compute index of 1D array from indices of 2D array */
  z = GiveZ(ix,iy);

  iColor = ComputeColor(FunctionType, z);
  A[i] = iColor ;		// 
  return 0;

int DrawImage ( unsigned char A[], FunctionTypeT FunctionType)
  unsigned int ix, iy;		// pixel coordinate 

  fprintf (stderr, "compute image %d \n", FunctionType);
  // for all pixels of image 
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) private(ix,iy) shared(A, ixMax , iyMax, uUnknown, uInterior, uExterior)
  for (iy = iyMin; iy <= iyMax; ++iy)
      fprintf (stderr, " %d from %d \r", iy, iyMax);	//info 
      for (ix = ixMin; ix <= ixMax; ++ix)
	DrawPoint(A, FunctionType, ix, iy);	//  
  fprintf (stderr, "\n");	//info 
  return 0;

int PlotPoint(const complex double z, unsigned char A[]){

  unsigned int ix = (creal(z)-ZxMin)/PixelWidth;
  unsigned int iy = (ZyMax - cimag(z))/PixelHeight;
  unsigned int i = Give_i(ix,iy); /* index of _data array */
  A[i]= 0; //255-A[i]; // Mark point with inveres color
  return 0;

int IsInside (int x, int y, int xcenter, int ycenter, int r){

  double dx = x- xcenter;
  double dy = y - ycenter;
  double d = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
  if (d<r) {    return 1;}
  return 0;


int PlotBigPoint(const complex double z, unsigned char A[]){

  unsigned int ix_seed = (creal(z)-ZxMin)/PixelWidth;
  unsigned int iy_seed = (ZyMax - cimag(z))/PixelHeight;
  unsigned int i;
  /* mark seed point by big pixel */
  int iSide =4.0*iWidth/2000.0 ; /* half of width or height of big pixel */
  int iY;
  int iX;
      if (IsInside(iX, iY, ix_seed, iy_seed, iSide)) {
	i= Give_i(iX,iY); /* index of _data array */
	A[i]= 0; //255-A[i];
      else {printf(" bad point \n");}
  return 0;

int PlotAllPoints(const complex double zz[], int kMax, unsigned char A[]){

  int k;
  printf("kMax = %d \n",kMax);

  for (k = 0; k < kMax; ++k)
      //fprintf(stderr, "z = %+f %+f \n", creal(zz[k]),cimag(zz[k]));
      PlotBigPoint(zz[k], A);}
  return 0;


int DrawForwardOrbit(complex double z, unsigned long long int iMax,  unsigned char A[] )
  unsigned long long int i; /* nr of point of critical orbit */
  printf("draw forward orbit \n");
  PlotBigPoint(z, A);
  /* forward orbit of critical point  */
  for (i=1;i<iMax ; ++i)
      z  = f(z);
      //if (cabs2(z - z2a) > 2.0) {return 1;} // escaping
      PlotBigPoint(z, A);

  return 0;

// ***********************************************************************************************
// ********************** edge detection usung Sobel filter ***************************************
// ***************************************************************************************************

// from Source to Destination
int ComputeBoundaries(unsigned char S[], unsigned char D[])
  unsigned int iX,iY; /* indices of 2D virtual array (image) = integer coordinate */
  unsigned int i; /* index of 1D array  */
  /* sobel filter */
  unsigned char G, Gh, Gv; 
  // boundaries are in D  array ( global var )
  // clear D array
  memset(D, iColorOfExterior, iSize*sizeof(*D)); // for heap-allocated arrays, where N is the number of elements = FillArrayWithColor(D , iColorOfExterior);
  // printf(" find boundaries in S array using  Sobel filter\n");   
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) private(i,iY,iX,Gv,Gh,G) shared(iyMax,ixMax)
      Gv= S[Give_i(iX-1,iY+1)] + 2*S[Give_i(iX,iY+1)] + S[Give_i(iX-1,iY+1)] - S[Give_i(iX-1,iY-1)] - 2*S[Give_i(iX-1,iY)] - S[Give_i(iX+1,iY-1)];
      Gh= S[Give_i(iX+1,iY+1)] + 2*S[Give_i(iX+1,iY)] + S[Give_i(iX-1,iY-1)] - S[Give_i(iX+1,iY-1)] - 2*S[Give_i(iX-1,iY)] - S[Give_i(iX-1,iY-1)];
      G = sqrt(Gh*Gh + Gv*Gv);
      i= Give_i(iX,iY); /* compute index of 1D array from indices of 2D array */
      if (G==0) {D[i]=255;} /* background */
      else {D[i]=0;}  /* boundary */
  return 0;

// copy from Source to Destination
int CopyBoundaries(unsigned char S[],  unsigned char D[])
  unsigned int iX,iY; /* indices of 2D virtual array (image) = integer coordinate */
  unsigned int i; /* index of 1D array  */
  //printf("copy boundaries from S array to D array \n");
      {i= Give_i(iX,iY); if (S[i]==0) D[i]=0;}
  return 0;

// *******************************************************************************************
// ********************************** save A array to pgm file ****************************
// *********************************************************************************************

int SaveArray2PGMFile (unsigned char A[],  char * n, char *comment)

  FILE *fp;
  const unsigned int MaxColorComponentValue = 255;	/* color component is coded from 0 to 255 ;  it is 8 bit color file */
  char name[100];		/* name of file */
  snprintf (name, sizeof name, "%s", n );	/*  */
  char *filename = strcat (name, ".pgm");
  char long_comment[200];
  sprintf (long_comment, "Julia set f(z)=1/((0,15+0,15i)z5+z3+(-3+3i)z) on [-3;3]x[-3;3]. Location by Michael Becker %s", comment);

  // save image array to the pgm file 
  fp = fopen (filename, "wb");	// create new file,give it a name and open it in binary mode 
  fprintf (fp, "P5\n # %s\n %u %u\n %u\n", long_comment, iWidth, iHeight, MaxColorComponentValue);	// write header to the file
  size_t rSize = fwrite (A, sizeof(A[0]), iSize, fp);	// write whole array with image data bytes to the file in one step 
  fclose (fp);

  // info 
  if ( rSize == iSize) 
      printf ("File %s saved ", filename);
      if (long_comment == NULL || strlen (long_comment) == 0)
	printf ("\n");
      else { printf (". Comment = %s \n", long_comment); }
  else {printf("wrote %zu elements out of %llu requested\n", rSize,  iSize);}

  return 0;

int PrintCInfo ()

  printf ("gcc version: %d.%d.%d\n", __GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__);	//
  // OpenMP version is displayed in the console : export  OMP_DISPLAY_ENV="TRUE"

  printf ("__STDC__ = %d\n", __STDC__);
  printf ("__STDC_VERSION__ = %ld\n", __STDC_VERSION__);
  printf ("c dialect = ");
  switch (__STDC_VERSION__)
    {				// the format YYYYMM 
    case 199409L:
      printf ("C94\n");
    case 199901L:
      printf ("C99\n");
    case 201112L:
      printf ("C11\n");
    case 201710L:
      printf ("C18\n");
      //default : /* Optional */


  return 0;

PrintProgramInfo ()

  // display info messages
  printf ("Numerical approximation of Julia set for F(z) =   z*c) \n");
  //printf ("parameter C = ( %.16f ; %.16f ) \n", creal (C), cimag (C));

  printf ("Image Width = %f in world coordinate\n", ZxMax - ZxMin);
  printf ("PixelWidth = %.16f \n", PixelWidth);
  //printf ("AR = %.16f = %f *PixelWidth = %f %% of ImageWidth \n", AR, AR / PixelWidth, AR / ZxMax - ZxMin);

  // image corners in world coordinate
  // center and radius
  // center and zoom
  // GradientRepetition
  printf ("Maximal number of iterations = iterMax = %d \n", IterMax);
  printf ("ratio of image  = %f ; it should be 1.000 ...\n", ratio);

  return 0;

int SetPlane(complex double center, double radius, double a_ratio){

  ZxMin = creal(center) - radius*a_ratio;	
  ZxMax = creal(center) + radius*a_ratio;	//0.75;
  ZyMin = cimag(center) - radius;	// inv
  ZyMax = cimag(center) + radius;	//0.7;
  return 0;


// Check Orientation of z-plane image : mark first quadrant of complex plane 
// it should be in the upper right position
// uses global var :  ...
int CheckZPlaneOrientation(unsigned char A[] )
  double Zx, Zy; //  Z= Zx+ZY*i;
  unsigned i; /* index of 1D array */
  unsigned int ix, iy;		// pixel coordinate 
  fprintf(stderr, "compute image CheckOrientation\n");
  // for all pixels of image 
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) private(ix,iy, i, Zx, Zy) shared(A, ixMax , iyMax) 
  for (iy = iyMin; iy <= iyMax; ++iy){
    //fprintf (stderr, " %d from %d \r", iy, iyMax);	//info 
    for (ix = ixMin; ix <= ixMax; ++ix){
      // from screen to world coordinate 
      Zy = GiveZy(iy);
      Zx = GiveZx(ix);
      i = Give_i(ix, iy); /* compute index of 1D array from indices of 2D array */
      if (Zx>0 && Zy>0) A[i]=255-A[i];   // check the orientation of Z-plane by marking first quadrant */
  return 0;

// *****************************************************************************
//;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  setup ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
// **************************************************************************************

int setup ()

  fprintf (stderr, "setup start\n");

  /* 2D array ranges */

  iWidth = iHeight* DisplayAspectRatio ;
  iSize = iWidth * iHeight;	// size = number of points in array 
  // iy
  iyMax = iHeight - 1;		// Indexes of array starts from 0 not 1 so the highest elements of an array is = array_name[size-1].

  ixMax = iWidth - 1;

  /* 1D array ranges */
  // i1Dsize = i2Dsize; // 1D array with the same size as 2D array
  iMax = iSize - 1;		// Indexes of array starts from 0 not 1 so the highest elements of an array is = array_name[size-1].

  SetPlane( center, radius,  DisplayAspectRatio );	
  /* Pixel sizes */
  PixelWidth = (ZxMax - ZxMin) / ixMax;	//  ixMax = (iWidth-1)  step between pixels in world coordinate 
  PixelHeight = (ZyMax - ZyMin) / iyMax;
  ratio = ((ZxMax - ZxMin) / (ZyMax - ZyMin)) / ((double) iWidth / (double) iHeight);	// it should be 1.000 ...
  // critical points
  zcr1 = z_cr[0];
  zcr2 = z_cr[1];
  zcr3 = z_cr[2];
  zcr4 = z_cr[3];
  // LSM  
  // escape radius ( of circle around infinity 
  ER = 200.0; // 
  ER2 = ER*ER;
  // attracting radius of ciurcel arounf finite attractor
  //AR_max = 5*PixelWidth*iWidth/2000.0 ; // adjust first number 
  // GiveTunedAR(const int i_Max, const complex double zcr, const double c, const double zp){
  //AR = 50*PixelWidth; // 0.03; // 10*0.0006 = 0.006
  AR = GiveTunedAR(10000); 
  AR2 = AR * AR;
  //AR12 = AR/2.0;
  // DEM
  BoundaryWidth = 0.5*iWidth/2000.0  ; //  measured in pixels ( when iWidth = 2000) 
  distanceMax = BoundaryWidth*PixelWidth;

  /* create dynamic 1D arrays for colors ( shades of gray ) */
  data = malloc (iSize * sizeof (unsigned char));

  edge = malloc (iSize * sizeof (unsigned char));
  if (data == NULL || edge == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, " Could not allocate memory");
      return 1;


  fprintf (stderr, " end of setup \n");

  return 0;

}				// ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end of the setup ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

int end ()

  fprintf (stderr, " allways free memory (deallocate )  to avoid memory leaks \n");	//
  free (data);

  PrintProgramInfo ();
  PrintCInfo ();
  return 0;


// ********************************************************************************************************************
/* -----------------------------------------  main   -------------------------------------------------------------*/
// ********************************************************************************************************************

int main ()
  setup ();
    DrawImage (data, Fatou);	
    SaveArray2PGMFile (data,  "Fatou" , "Fatou ");

    SaveArray2PGMFile (edge,  "LCM_Fatou" , "LCM of Fatou ");  
    DrawImage (data, Fatou_ab);	 
    SaveArray2PGMFile (data,  "Fatou_ab" , "Fatou_ab ");
    DrawImage (data, Fatou_abi);	 
    SaveArray2PGMFile (data,  "Fatou_abi" , "Fatou_abi ");
    DrawImage (data, LSM);	// first 
    //SaveArray2PGMFile (data,  "LSM" , "LSM");
    SaveArray2PGMFile (edge,  "LCM" , "LCM ");
    DrawForwardOrbit(zcr1, 200,  edge);
    SaveArray2PGMFile (edge,  "LCM_cr" , "LCM and critical orbit");
    CopyBoundaries(edge, data);
    SaveArray2PGMFile (data,  "LSCM" , "LSCM");

    PlotAllPoints(z_cr, 4, data);
    SaveArray2PGMFile (data,  "Fatou_cr" , "Fatou_cr");
    DrawImage (data, Fatou);	 
    PlotBigPoint(zp4a0, data);
    PlotBigPoint(zp4b0, data);
    SaveArray2PGMFile (data,  "Fatou_zp4" , "Fatou_zp4");
    DrawImage (data, LSM_m);	// first 
    SaveArray2PGMFile (data,  "LSM_m2" , "LSM_m ");
    SaveArray2PGMFile (edge,  "LCM_m2_LS" , "LCM_m ");
    CopyBoundaries(edge, data);
    SaveArray2PGMFile (data,  "LSCM_mm2" , "LSCM mm");
  DrawImage (data, DEM);	// first 
  SaveArray2PGMFile (data,  "DEM" , "DEM ");

  end ();

  return 0;

bash source code

# script file for BASH 
# which bash
# save this file as
# chmod +x
# ./
# checked in

printf "make pgm files \n"
gcc d.c -lm -Wall -march=native -fopenmp

if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    echo ERROR: compilation failed !!!!!!
    exit 1

printf "display OMP info \n"

time ./a.out > a.txt


printf "convert all pgm files to png using Image Magic convert \n"
# for all pgm files in this directory
for file in *.pgm ; do
  # b is name of file without extension
  b=$(basename "$file" .pgm)
  # convert  using ImageMagic
  convert "${b}".pgm -resize 2000x2000 "${b}".png
  echo "$file"

printf "delete all pgm files \n"
rm ./*.pgm

echo OK
# end


	chmod +x

Tu run the program simply


One can also uncomment some procedures in main functions to see more images


  1. Some Julia sets 3 by Michael Becker, 8/2003. Last modification: 8/2003.
  2. : rational-function

Pés de foto

Engada unha explicación dunha liña do que representa este ficheiro
Julia set f(z)=1/((0,15+0,15i)z5+z3+(-3+3i)z) on [-3;3]x[-3;3]

Elementos retratados neste ficheiro

representa a

Historial do ficheiro

Prema nunha data/hora para ver o ficheiro tal e como estaba nese momento.

actual25 de xuño de 2021 ás 18:50Miniatura da versión ás 18:50 do 25 de xuño de 20212.000 × 2.000 (844 kB)Soul windsurferlevel curves cross at critical point
24 de xuño de 2021 ás 20:03Miniatura da versión ás 20:03 do 24 de xuño de 20212.000 × 2.000 (843 kB)Soul windsurfercomment
24 de xuño de 2021 ás 19:32Miniatura da versión ás 19:32 do 24 de xuño de 20212.000 × 2.000 (843 kB)Soul windsurferUploaded own work with UploadWizard

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