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Rosanna_Pansino_2022.png (304 × 405 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 192 kB; tipo MIME: image/png)


English: Rosanna Pansino teaching on WBNX-TV
Data Published on 14 de outubro de 2022
Orixe YouTube: The Jennifer Hudson Show: Max Greenfield, Taylor Harris and Rosanna Pansino! 10/18/22 (Time: 0:08) – View/save archived versions on and
Autoría WBNX-TV 55


This video, screenshot or audio excerpt was originally uploaded on YouTube under a CC license.
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Este ficheiro está licenciado baixo a licenza Creative Commons recoñecemento 3.0 sen adaptar.
Recoñecemento: WBNX-TV 55
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actual10 de outubro de 2024 ás 02:31Miniatura da versión ás 02:31 do 10 de outubro de 2024304 × 405 (192 kB)TansoShoshen{{Information | description = {{en|1=Rosanna Pansino teaching on {{W|WBNX-TV}}}} | date = {{published on|2022-10-14|cat=yes|platform=YouTube|location=}} | source = {{From YouTube|1=xtlub9Mf2iw|2=The Jennifer Hudson Show: Max Greenfield, Taylor Harris and Rosanna Pansino! 10/18/22|t=0:08}} | author = [ WBNX-TV 55] | permission = | other_versions = | other_fields = }} =={{int:license-header}}== {{YouTube CC-BY|WBNX-TV 55}}...

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