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Ficheiro:Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States.jpg

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Ficheiro orixinal (3.000 × 1.933 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 1,69 MB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)


Howard Chandler Christy: Signing of the Constitution  wikidata:Q2701637 reasonator:Q2701637
Howard Chandler Christy  (1873–1952)  wikidata:Q3141534 s:en:Author:Howard Chandler Christy
Howard Chandler Christy
Nomes alternativos
Christy; H. C. Christy; Howard Christy
Descrición pintor e ilustrador American
Datas de nacemento e morte 10 de xaneiro de 1873 Editar isso no Wikidata 3 de marzo de 1952 Editar isso no Wikidata
Lugares de nacemento e morte Morgan County Hotel des Artistes Editar isso no Wikidata
Período de actividade 1890 Editar isso no Wikidata
Lugar de traballo
Control de autoridade
artist QS:P170,Q3141534
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
label QS:Les,"Escena de la firma de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos"
label QS:Lfr,"Scène à la signature de la Constitution desnnnoooooo États-Unis"
label QS:Lhe,"סצנה ממעמד החתימה על חוקת ארצות הברית"
Tipo de objecto pintura Editar isso no Wikidata
Xénero Pintura de historia Editar isso no Wikidata
Čeština: George Washington předsedající Filadelfskému ústavnímu konventu (stojí na stupínku).
English: George Washington presiding the Philadelphia Convention
Pessoas retratadas: George Washington , Alexander Hamilton e Benjamin Franklin – among others: see image notes or File:KeySceneAtTheSigningOfTheConstitutionOfTheUnitedStates.jpg.
Data 1940
date QS:P571,+1940-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Medio óleo sobre tea
medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259
Dimensións altura: 20 pés (609,6 cm); ancho: 30 pés (914,4 cm)
dimensions QS:P2048,20U3710
dimensions QS:P2049,30U3710
institution QS:P195,Q54109
East Stairway, House of Representatives wing
Lugar de criação Estados Unidos de América Editar isso no Wikidata
Notas ← Link to super resolution image ⚠️🔥
Orixe/Fotógrafo The Indian Reporter
Image extraction process Este ficheiro ten unha imaxe extraída: Jacob Broom in Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States (cropped).jpg.


Public domain This image is a work of an employee of the Architect of the Capitol, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, all images created or made by the Architect of the Capitol are in the public domain in the United States. Architect of the Capitol logo

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George Washington presidindo a Convenção da Filadélfia

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actual4 de xullo de 2014 ás 13:16Miniatura da versión ás 13:16 do 4 de xullo de 20143.000 × 1.933 (1,69 MB)MarshalN20More color, to match the original (restoration).
4 de xullo de 2014 ás 12:30Miniatura da versión ás 12:30 do 4 de xullo de 20143.000 × 1.933 (1,66 MB)MarshalN20Larger, better color.
21 de marzo de 2010 ás 05:19Miniatura da versión ás 05:19 do 21 de marzo de 20101.600 × 1.050 (343 kB)Stephencole2Larger image of the painting.
9 de xullo de 2006 ás 22:51Miniatura da versión ás 22:51 do 9 de xullo de 2006610 × 402 (556 kB)Southgeist==Identifying Figures in the Portrait== George Washington, who presided over the convention, is the figure standing on the dais. The central figures of the portrait are Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin.
27 de marzo de 2006 ás 05:40Miniatura da versión ás 05:40 do 27 de marzo de 2006610 × 402 (556 kB)Sebmol{{PD-art-life-50}} Category:United States history images ==Identifying Figures in the Portrait== George Washington, who presided over the convention, is the figure standing on the dais. The central figures of the portrait are Alexander Hamilton and

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