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Ficheiro:Virtual address space and physical address space relationship.svg

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Ficheiro orixinal (ficheiro SVG; resolución de 773 × 789 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 27 kB)

Descrición Diagram of relationship between the virtual and physical address spaces.
Orixe en:Image:Virtual address space and physical address space relationship.png
Autoría Traced by User:Stannered, original by en:User:Dysprosia
(Reuso deste ficheiro)
BSD original
Outras versións en:Image:Virtual address space and physical address space relationship.png

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actual5 de outubro de 2007 ás 11:15Miniatura da versión ás 11:15 do 5 de outubro de 2007773 × 789 (27 kB)IntgrApplication-accessible memory normally starts at 0x10000 or higher; the lower 65536 bytes of address space are typically reserved on 32-bit operating systems.
5 de abril de 2007 ás 13:33Miniatura da versión ás 13:33 do 5 de abril de 2007773 × 789 (27 kB)Stannered{{Information |Description=Diagram of relationship between the virtual and physical address spaces. |Source=en:Image:Virtual address space and physical address space relationship.png |Date=2007-04-05 |Author=Traced by User:Stannered, original by

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