Hilary Rose
Biografía | |
Nacemento | 14 de xaneiro de 1935 (90 anos) Reino Unido |
Actividade | |
Ocupación | socióloga |
Empregador | Gresham College (en) London School of Economics Universidade de Bradford (pt) |
Hilary Ann Rose, nada en 1935, é unha socióloga británica.
[editar | editar a fonte]Hilary Rose publicou amplamente en socioloxía da ciencia desde unha perspectiva feminista e ten numerosas designacións no Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Australia, Austria, Noruega, Finlandia e no Collegium for the Advanced Study of the Social Science sueco. É investigadora visitante de socioloxía na London School of Economics e profesora emérita de Política Social na Universidade de Bradford. Foi a Gresham Professor of Physic entre 1999 e 2002.[1] Foi nomeada doutora honoris causa pola Facultade de Ciencias Sociais da Universidade de Uppsala de Suecia[2] en 1997 pola súa contribución á socioloxía feminista da ciencia.[3] En 2001 o seu libro Love, Power and Knowledge: Towards a Feminist Transformation of the Sciences foi considerado un dos "101 mellores libros do século XX" na lista publicada polo Ministerio de Cultura portugués. Colaborou durante varios anos no departamento de investigación da Comisión Europea na integración das mulleres científicas no sistema de investigación europeo.
Conferenciou durante tres anos como lectora en "Xenética e Sociedade" xunto co científico neuronal Steven Rose,[4] con quen casou en 1961[5], como adxuntos ao profesorado de física do Gresham College de Londres. Como produto desta colaboración editouse o libro Alas Poor Darwin: Arguments Against Evolutionary Psychology publicado en 2000.[6][7] Posteriormente publicou, con Steven Rose, Genes, Cells and Brains: The Promethean Promises of the New Biology (Verso, 2012) e Can Neuroscience Change Our Minds? (Polity, 2016)
Foi membro fundador da British Society for Social Responsibility in Science na década de 1960, e posteriormente o seu papel foi decisivo no chamamento a un boicot ás institucións académicas israelís namentres Israel continuase a súa ocupación dos territorios palestinos, debido ás estreita relación dos académicos israelís co IDF. O 6 de abril de 2002 publicouse no xornal The Guardian unha carta aberta[8] iniciada por Hilary Rose e Steven Rose e tamén asinada por outros 123 académicos.[9] En 2004 Hilary Rose foi unha das persoas fundadoras do British Committee for Universities of Palestine, unha parte esencial do movemento de boicot académico.[10]
A súa obra foi amplamente publicada, como autora, coautora e coeditora de 13 libros e uns 150 artigos.
[editar | editar a fonte]Libros
[editar | editar a fonte]- Can Neuroscience Change Our Minds? (con Steven Rose), 2016, Cambridge (RU): Polity Press, ISBN 978-0-7456-8931-9
- Genes, Cells and Brains: The Promethean Promises of the New Biology (con Steven Rose), 2013. Londres / Nova York: Verso. ISBN 9781844678815
- Been There Shot That: Interior Design Peared Down, 2013. H. Rose Incorporated. ISBN 9780615844466
- The commodification of bioinformation: The Icelandic Health Sector Data Base (monografía) The Wellcome Trust, Public Interest,2001
- Alas, Poor Darwin: Escaping Evolutionary Psychology (con Steven Rose, Editores), Cape, 2000.
- Science and Society (con Steven Rose), Allen Lane, 1969. Penguin, 1970.
- Love, Power and Knowledge: Towards a Feminist Transformation of the Sciences, Cambridge (RU): Polity Press, 1994 ISBN 0-7456-1001-3
- The Housing Problem. Heinemann, 1983
- Social Welfare and the Inner City, 1978. University of Bradford. ASIN: B0006D1MGM
- The Political Economy of Science e The Radicalisation of Science, 1976. 2 vols (ed con Steven Rose). Londres: Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-33321138-0
- Rights, participation and conflict (opúsculo) Child Poverty Action Group, 1970
[editar | editar a fonte]- The Changing Face of Human Nature (con Steven Rose) Daedelus,pp 7–20 Verán de 2009
- Eugenics and Genetics: The Conjoint Twins New Formations 60 pp. 13–26 Inverno de 2006-2007
- Risk, Trust and Scepticism in the Age of the New Genetics en B Adams, U Beck e J Loon (eds) Risk Theory Revisited, Sage, 2000
- Autogenesis' Open Letter Canadian Journal of Writing and Theory, 2000 pp 2–22
- Red Scientist: Two Strands from a Life in Three Colours (con Steven Rose) en J.D.Bernal: a Life in Science e Politics B Swann e F Aprahamian (eds) Verso, 1999
- An Accidental Academicin M David e D Woodward, (eds) Negotiating the Glass Ceiling: Careers of Senior Women en Academic World, Taylor e Francis 1997
- Science Wars: My Enemy’s Enemy is - Only Perhaps - My Friend Social Text Vol45-6pp 61–80 1996
- Disembodied Knowledge: Making Sense of Biomedical Science (con Helen Lambert) en A Irvin e B Wynne (eds), Misunderstanding Science: The Public Reconstruction of Science and Technology, Cambridge University Press 1996
- Learning from the New Priesthood and the Shrieking Sisterhood: Debating the Life Sciences in Victorian England en R Hubbard e L Birke (eds), Reinventing Biology, Indiana University Press, 1995
- Mutual Care but Differential Esteem: Caring between older couples in S Arber e J Ginn (eds), Connecting Gender and Ageing: Sociological Approaches to Gender and Later Life, Open University Press. 1995
- Gendered Reflexions on the Laboratory in Medicine en A. Cunningham e P. Williams (eds) The Laboratory Revolution in Medicine, Cambridge University Press,1992
- Victorian Values in the Test-Tube: The Politics of Reproduction Science and Technologyin M Stanworth (ed)Gender, Motherhood and Medicine, Polity 1987
- Hand, brain and heart: towards a feminist epistemology for the sciencesSigns: Journal of Women in Culture' Vol 9 No1 pp73–90, 1983 https://doi.org/10.1086/494025
- Victorian values in the test-tube: the politics of reproduction science an technology In Michelle Stanworth (ed) Gender, Motherhood and Medicine, Polity, pp 151–173, 1987
- Dreaming the future Hypatia: a Feminist Journal of Philosophy Vol3 No1 pp119–137 1988
- Re-reading Titmuss: the Sexual Division of Welfare Journal of Social Policy Vol10 No4,pp. 447–501 1981
- Hyper-Reflexivity: a new danger for the counter-movements In H Nowotny e H Rose (eds) Countermovements in the Sciences, Yearbook of the Sociology of Science, Reidel, 1979
- Radical Science and its Enemies (con Steven Rose) en R Miliband e J Saville, (eds) The Socialist Register, Merlin Press, 1979
- In Practice Supported, In Theory Denied: An Account of an Invisible Social Movement International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.2 No3.pp. 34–49 1976
- Women's liberation, reproduction and the technological fix (con J Hanmer) en D Barker e A Allen (eds) SexualDivisions and Society: process and change Tavistock, pp 199–223
- Bread and Justice: the National Welfare Rights Movement en P. Leonard (ed) The Sociology of Community Action Keele University Press, 1975
- The social determinants of reproduction science and technology en K Knorr e H Strasser (eds) Yearbook of the Sociology of Science, Reidel, 1975
- Up against the welfare state: the claimant unions en R Miliband e J Savile (eds) The Socialist Register, Merlin, pp 179–204, 1973
- Chemical Spraying as Reported by Refugees from South Vietnam, Science,Vol.177, pp 710-712 1972
- The myth of the neutrality of science (con Steven Rose) en The Social Impact of Modern Biology (ed) W. Fuller, Routledge Kegan Paul, 1972
- General Practice complaints I and II New Law Journal,24 e 31 agosto,pp772–775 e 786-788
- The myth of the neutrality of science (con Steven Rose en W.Fuller (ed) The Social Impact of Modern Biology, Routledge Kegan Paul pp 215–224, 1971
- Pangloss and Jeremiah in Science Nature,Vol 229 pp 459–462 1971
[editar | editar a fonte]- ↑ Rees, D., Rose, S., ed. (2004). The New Brain Sciences: Perils and Prospects. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. xiii. ISBN 0-521-53714-2.
- ↑ http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/traditions/prizes/honorary-doctorates/
- ↑ "Hilary Ann Rose". Uppsala Universitet. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 05 de marzo de 2016. Consultado o 4 de xuño de 2015.
- ↑ Poole, Steven (2012-12-19). "Genes, Cells and Brains by Hilary Rose and Steven Rose - review" (en inglés). Consultado o 2018-07-02.
- ↑ Brown, Andrew (15-12-2001). "The political scientist". theguardian.com (en inglés). Consultado o 27-03-2019.
- ↑ "Less Selfish than Sacred? Genes and the Religious Impulse in Evolutionary Psychology". The Guardian. 7 de setembro de 2001. Consultado o 26 de marzo de 2013.
- ↑ "Biology in an Age of Technoscience". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 13 de abril de 2015. Consultado o 27 de marzo de 2019.
- ↑ "Open Letter: More pressure for Mid East peace". The Guardian. 6 de abril 2002.
- ↑ Beckett, Andy; MacAskill, Ewen (12 de decembro de 2002). "British academic boycott of Israel gathers pace". The Guardian.
- ↑ "Copia arquivada". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 23 de setembro de 2015. Consultado o 27 de marzo de 2019.
Véxase tamén
[editar | editar a fonte]Ligazóns externas
[editar | editar a fonte]- "Regulating Human Genes" – Conferencia de Hilary Rose e Steven Rose
- "Love and power in a scientific climate" in Times Higher Education – 1995 recensión do libro Love, Power and Knowledge
- "It's hard to be critical these days..." — entrevista con Rose sobre a interdisciplinariedade
- "Professor Hilary Rose" – biografía no Gresham College
- "Hilary Rose" no Google Scholar