Módulo:Month translator/data
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Os editores poden probar cambios no mesmo en Módulo:Month translator/data/probas.
Por favor, engade as categorías na subpáxina de documentación e os interwikis no Wikidata. Ver as subpáxinas deste módulo.
Por favor, engade as categorías na subpáxina de documentación e os interwikis no Wikidata. Ver as subpáxinas deste módulo.
--[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E S >------------------------------------------------------------
Table of ISO 639 codes for languages supported by this module. List of MediaWiki supported languages and their
codes can be found at: Template:Citation_Style_documentation/language/doc
local langs = {'ca', 'de', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'it', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'sv'};
--[[--------------------------< E N G L I S H M O N T H N A M E S >----------------------------------------
Table of local language month names filled by month_names_get()
local en_months = {};
--[[--------------------------< P A T T E R N S >--------------------------------------------------------------
table of tables that hold pattern and other information used to extract date parts for translation and reconstrution
Tables have the form:
[1] - pattern for a particular date format; must include captures for the requiste date components:
day, month, year which ever are included in the date format
[2] - a letter 'd', 'm', or 'y' that identified the content of the first (left-most) capture
[3] - same as [2] for the second capture
[4] - same as [2] for the last (right-most) capture
ymd numeric dates have no hames so are not translated; use |df= parameter in the cs1|2 template for that.
local patterns = {
{'^(%d%d?) +(%a+) +(%d%d%d%d%a?)$', 'd', 'm', 'y'}, -- dd Mmm yyyy
{'^(%d%d?) +de +(%a+) +de +(%d%d%d%d%a?)$', 'd', 'm', 'y'}, -- dd de Mmm de yyyy
{'^(%a+) +(%d%d%d%d%a?)$', 'm', 'y'}, -- Mmm yyyy
{'^(%a+) +de +(%d%d%d%d%a?)$', 'm', 'y'}, -- Mmm de yyyy
{'^(%a+) +(%d%d?) *, +(%d%d%d%d%a?)$', 'm', 'd', 'y'}, -- Mmm dd, yyyy
{'^(%a+)$', 'm'}, -- month only; mostly for debug purposes
--[[--------------------------< O V E R R I D E _ N A M E S >--------------------------------------------------
table of non-English month names that are valid but are not in the list of names taken from MediaWiki with
month_names_get(). Items in this list have the form:
['<non-English month name>'] = 'English month name',
'<non-English month name>' must be lowercase
local override_names = {
[''] = '',
--[[--------------------------< M O N T H _ N A M E S _ G E T >------------------------------------------------
creates a translation table of non-English month names listed in lang{} mapped to English month names listed in
en_months{} (which this function also fills).
local function month_names_get ()
local month_names = {};
local lang_obj = mw.language.getContentLanguage(); -- make a language object for the local language
for i=1, 12 do -- loop 12x and
en_months[i] = lang_obj:formatDate('F', '2018-' .. i) -- get month names for each i
for _, lang in ipairs (langs) do -- spin through the languages table
lang_obj = mw.getLanguage (lang); -- make a language object for the current language
for i, en_month in ipairs (en_months) do -- spin through the English month-names table
month_names[lang_obj:formatDate('F', en_month):lower()] = en_month; -- translate the English name to the current language and store in the translations table
if 'pl' == lang then -- for polish and other languages that have nominative and genitive forms
month_names[lang_obj:formatDate('xg', en_month):lower()] = en_month; -- translate English to genitive form and save
return month_names;
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D T A B L E S >------------------------------------------------
return {
month_names = month_names_get (),
override_names = override_names,
patterns = patterns,