Módulo:Road data/strings/USA/IL
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Por favor, engade as categorías na subpáxina de documentación e os interwikis no Wikidata. Ver as subpáxinas deste módulo.
local IL = {}
IL.I = {shield = "I-%route%.svg",
link = {["39"] = "Interstate 39",
["41"] = "Interstate 41",
["57"] = "Interstate 57",
["72"] = "Interstate 72",
["88"] = "Interstate 88 (Illinois)",
["172"] = "Interstate 172",
["255"] = "Interstate 255",
["270"] = "Interstate 270 (Illinois–Missouri)",
["280"] = "Interstate 280 (Illinois–Iowa)",
["294"] = "Interstate 294",
["355"] = "Interstate 355",
["474"] = "Interstate 474",
default = {hook = "split",
split = 100,
above = "Interstate %route% (Illinois)",
below = "Interstate %route% in Illinois"}},
abbr = "I-%route%",
width = "expand"}
IL["I-Toll"] = {shield = IL.I.shield,
link = IL.I.link,
abbr = IL.I.abbr,
banner = "Toll plate yellow.svg",
width = "expand"}
IL.BL = {shield = "Business Loop %route%.svg",
link = "Interstate %route% Business ([dab||%dab%, |]Illinois)",
abbr = "I-%route% Bus.",
width = "expand"}
IL.US = {shield = "US %route%.svg",
link = "U.S. Route %route% in Illinois",
abbr = "US %route%",
width = "expand"}
IL["US-Alt"] = {shield = IL.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Alternate ([dab||%dab%, |]Illinois)",
abbr = "US %route% Alt.",
banner = "Alt plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
IL["US-Bus"] = {shield = IL.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Business ([dab||%dab%, |]Illinois)",
abbr = "US %route% Bus.",
banner = "Business plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
IL["US-Byp"] = {shield = IL.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Bypass ([dab||%dab%, |]Illinois)",
abbr = "US %route% Byp.",
banner = "Bypass plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
IL["US-City"] = {shield = IL.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% City ([dab||%dab%, |]Illinois)",
abbr = "US %route% City",
banner = "City plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
IL["US-Truck"] = {shield = IL.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Truck ([dab||%dab%, |]Illinois)",
abbr = "US %route% Truck",
banner = "Truck plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
IL["US-Hist"] = {shield = {["66"] = "US 66 (historic).svg",
default = ""},
link = "U.S. Route %route% in Illinois",
abbr = "Historic US %route%[dab|| (%dab%)|]",
width = 16}
IL["US 1926"] = {shield = "US %route% Illinois 1926.svg",
link = IL.US.link,
abbr = IL.US.abbr,
width = "US1926"}
IL.IL = {shield = "Illinois %route%.svg",
link = "Illinois Route %route%",
abbr = "IL %route%",
width = "expand"}
IL["IL 1926"] = {shield = "Illinois %route% (1926).svg",
link = IL.IL.link,
abbr = IL.IL.abbr}
IL.Toll = {shield = "Indiana Toll Road logo 1968.svg",
link = "Indiana Toll Road",
abbr = "Indiana Toll Road"}
IL.Skyway = {shield = "Chicago Skyway logo.svg",
link = "Chicago Skyway",
abbr = "Chicago Skyway"}
IL.Tour = {shield = {default = "Great Lakes Circle Tour.svg",
LSCT = "Lake Superior Circle Tour.svg",
LMCT = "Lake Michigan Circle Tour.svg",
LHCT = "Lake Huron Circle Tour.svg",
LECT = "Lake Erie Circle Tour.svg",
["LSCT-Spur"] = "Lake Superior Circle Tour brown.svg",
["LMCT-Spur"] = "Lake Michigan Circle Tour brown.svg",
["LHCT-Spur"] = "Lake Huron Circle Tour brown.svg"},
link = {default = "Great Lakes Circle Tour",
LSCT = "Lake Superior Circle Tour",
LMCT = "Lake Michigan Circle Tour",
LHCT = "Lake Huron Circle Tour",
LECT = "Lake Erie Circle Tour",
["LSCT-Spur"] = "Lake Superior Circle Tour",
["LMCT-Spur"] = "Lake Michigan Circle Tour",
["LHCT-Spur"] = "Lake Huron Circle Tour"},
abbr = {default = "GLCT",
["LSCT-Spur"] = "LSCT Spur",
["LMCT-Spur"] = "LMCT Spur",
["LHCT-Spur"] = "LHCT Spur"}
IL.Lincoln = {shield = "LincolnHighwayMarker.svg",
link = "Lincoln Highway in Illinois",
abbr = "Lincoln Highway",
width = 14}
IL.National = {shield = "National Road Sign cropped.JPG", --should be improved
link = "National Road",
abbr = "Historic National Road"}
IL.GRR = {shield = "GreatRiverRoad.svg",
link = "Great River Road",
abbr = "Great River Road [route||(%route% Route)|]",
banner = {arg = "route",
default = "",
National = "National Route plate.svg",
["Alternate National"] = "Alternate plate.svg",
Alternate = "Alternate plate.svg"}}
IL["GRR-Spur"] = {shield = "GreatRiverRoad brown.svg",
link = "Great River Road",
abbr = "Great River Road Spur",
banner = "Spur plate brown.svg"}
IL.LHT = {shield = "Lincoln Heritage Trail.png",
link = "Lincoln Heritage Trail",
abbr = "Lincoln Heritage Trail [route||(%route%)|]"}
IL.MGR = {shield = "",
link = "Meeting of the Great Rivers Scenic Route",
abbr = "Meeting of the Great Rivers"}
IL.IRR = {shield = "",
link = "Illinois River Road",
abbr = "Illinois River Road"}
IL.CR = {shield = "CR %route% jct.svg",
link = "",
abbr = "CR %route%"}
IL.CKC = {shield = "Illinois 110.svg",
link = "Chicago–Kansas City Expressway",
abbr = "IL 110 (CKC)",
banner = "CKC plate.svg",
width = "square"}
return IL