Módulo:Team roster navbox
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Os editores poden probar cambios no mesmo en Módulo:Team roster navbox/probas.
Por favor, engade as categorías na subpáxina de documentación e os interwikis no Wikidata. Ver as subpáxinas deste módulo.
Por favor, engade as categorías na subpáxina de documentación e os interwikis no Wikidata. Ver as subpáxinas deste módulo.
-- This module implements {{team roster navbox}}
local me = { }
local Navbox = require('Module:Navbox')
local function colorlinks(v, s)
if v and v ~= '' and s and s ~= '' then
if not mw.ustring.match(v, '<span style') then
v = mw.ustring.gsub(v, '%[%[([^%[%]|]*)%]%]',
'[[%1|<span style="' .. s .. '>%1</span>]]')
v = mw.ustring.gsub(v, '%[%[([^%[%]|]*)|([^%[%]|]*)%]%]',
'[[%1|<span style="' .. s .. '>%2</span>]]')
return v
local function extractstyle(v)
local r = ''
local slist = mw.text.split(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(v or '', '&#[Xx]23;', '#'), '#', '#'), ';')
for k = 1,#slist do
local s = slist[k]
if s:match('^[%s]*background') or s:match('^[%s]*color') then
r = r .. s .. ';'
return r
function me.generateRosterNavbox(frame)
local args = { }
local parentArgs = frame:getParent().args
-- Massage the styles for coloring the links
local basestyle = extractstyle(parentArgs['basestyle'] or '')
local titlestyle = extractstyle(parentArgs['titlestyle'] or '')
local abovestyle = extractstyle(parentArgs['abovestyle'] or '')
local groupstyle = extractstyle(parentArgs['groupstyle'] or '')
local belowstyle = extractstyle(parentArgs['belowstyle'] or '')
if basestyle ~= '' then
titlestyle = basestyle .. ';' .. titlestyle
abovestyle = basestyle .. ';' .. abovestyle
groupstyle = basestyle .. ';' .. groupstyle
belowstyle = basestyle .. ';' .. belowstyle
-- Color links before passing them to the Navbox helper function
for argName, value in pairs(parentArgs) do
if value ~= '' then
if type(argName) == 'string' then
if argName == 'title' then
value = colorlinks(value, titlestyle)
elseif argName == 'above' then
value = colorlinks(value, abovestyle)
elseif mw.ustring.find(argName, '^group[0-9]') then
value = colorlinks(value, groupstyle)
elseif argName == 'below' then
value = colorlinks(value, belowstyle)
args[argName] = value
args['nowrapitems'] = 'yes'
-- Note Navbox.navbox() has a kludge to order the parent frame's args
-- into a specific order. For now, this is omitted from this module.
return Navbox._navbox(args)
end -- function me.generateRosterNavbox
return me