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Mitzi Jonelle Tan

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Infotaula de personaMitzi Jonelle Tan

Editar o valor em Wikidata
Nacemento27 de outubro de 1997 Editar o valor em Wikidata (26 anos)
Manila, Filipinas Editar o valor em Wikidata
Datos persoais
País de nacionalidadeFilipinas Editar o valor em Wikidata
EducaciónUniversidade de Filipinas Editar o valor em Wikidata
Ocupaciónecoloxista Editar o valor em Wikidata

Mitzi Jonelle Tan, nada en Filipinas, é unha activista xuvenil pola xustiza climática de Filipinas.[1][2][3][4][5] Vive en Metro Manila, Filipinas.[1][6]

Traxectoria[editar | editar a fonte]

O activismo de Tan comezou en 2017 despois de reunirse con dirixentes indíxenas no seu país. Isto fixo que se decatara de que a acción colectiva e o cambio de sistema son necesarios para crear unha sociedade máis xusta e verde.[1]

En 2019, Mitzi Jonelle Tan cofundou Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP),[7] e os Fridays For Future (FFF) de Filipinas,[1] tralas manifestacións climáticas en todo o mundo.[6]

Tan é a coordinadora principal,[8][9] e portavoz internacional[1][10][11] de YACAP. Tan tamén é activista e portavoz de Fridays for Future en Filipinas.[12] Liderou folgas de acción climática na Universidade de Filipinas.[9][13]

Tan formou parte da iniciativa para realizar folgas escolares polo clima en liña no inicio da pandemia da COVID-19.[3]

En setembro de 2020 Tan formou parte dun movemento para volver ás protestas climáticas 'seguras'.[14]

A finais de 2020 Tan foi unha das voluntarias que organizou Mock COP26,[15][16] que contou con delegados de 140 países.[17] Tamén deu unha charla en Mock COP26 sobre como ser unha activista que vive onde o activismo é equiparado co terrorismo.[18][19] Ó falar do Mock COP26 a The Guardian, Tan dixo que "Están a asegurarse de que as voces das áreas máis afectadas se amplifiquen, e asegúranse de que teñamos un espazo e que non estamos só tokenizados."[20]

Tan foi unha das activistas que participou na campaña Fridays For Future 'Pass the Mic', tamén a finais de 2020, para pedir que Attenborough pase a súa conta de Instagram ós defensores da xuventude, particularmente do Sur Global.[5][21][22]

En novembro de 2020 Tan respaldou a serie de concertos internacionais Climate Live que se celebrarán en 2021.[23]

Tan inspirou a outros, como a activista de xuvenil indonesia Salsabila Khairunnisa.[24]

Tan xunto con outros catro activistas dos países MAPA (Most Afected Peoples and Areas, en galego Pobos e Áreas Máis Afectadas), Eyal Weintraub da Arxentina, Disha A Ravi da India, Kevin Mtai de Kenya, e Laura Verónica Muñoz de Colombia, xunto con Greta Thunberg, anunciaron unha nova onda de folgas climáticas.[25] Ó anunciar as folgas climáticas, Tan pediu "obxectivos anuais vinculantes de carbono e recortes inmediatos das emisións en todos os sectores da nosa economía."[26] Tamén dixo: "Se non actuamos agora, non teremos a oportunidade de conseguir eses obxectivos para 2030 e 2050 dos que os dirixentes mundiais seguen falando."[27]

A organización de Tan entrou en acción despois dos furacáns consecutivos do 2020 para axudar ás comunidades máis afectadas, incluso alimentando ós famentos e falando con eles sobre os problemas ós que se enfrontaban.[28]

Notas[editar | editar a fonte]

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 "United Against the Climate Crisis". Natural History Museum, London. 2021-02-16. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 05 de febreiro de 2021. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Mitzi Jonelle Tan is a climate justice activist based in Metro Manila, Philippines. She is the convenor and international spokesperson of Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP), the Fridays For Future (FFF) of the Philippines. She became an activist in 2017 after integrating with indigenous leaders of her country, which pushed her to realise that collective action and system change is what we need for a just and greener society. 
  2. Arvin, Jariel (2020-12-11). "The Paris climate pact is 5 years old. 5 youth activists share their hopes for what’s next.". Vox. Vox Media, LLC. Consultado o 2021-02-19. 23-year-old climate activist Mitzi Jonelle Tan. 
  3. 3,0 3,1 Chakraborty, Moumita (2020-03-21). "#DigitalStrike: The world takes the climate fight online". The Times of India. Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Mitzi Jonelle Tan, a climate activist from Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines, expresses, “Digital strikes are a good way to maintain momentum during this time of quarantine. ... .” 
  4. Harvey, Fiona (2020-09-25). "Young people resume global climate strikes calling for urgent action". The Guardian. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Mitzi Jonelle Tan, an activist, said: “We Filipinos are among the most impacted, ranking second in the latest global climate risk index, yet our contributions to greenhouse gas emissions are so little. ..." 
  5. 5,0 5,1 de Ferrer, Marthe (2020-11-12). "‘PASS THE MIC!’ ACTIVISTS URGE SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH TO HAND OVER HIS INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT". Euronews. Consultado o 2021-02-19. “When you hear the Philippines, maybe you'll think of the disastrous typhoon Goni – the strongest on the planet this year,” says Filipino climate activist Mitzi Jonelle Tan. 
  6. 6,0 6,1 Porter, Fien (2020-09-25). "Klimaatjongeren in de frontlinie: ‘Wij zijn meer dan een triest verhaal’" [Climate youth on the front line: 'We are more than a sad story'] (en Dutch). Arquivado dende o orixinal o 16 de febreiro de 2021. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Mitzi is 22 jaar en woont in Manilla in de Filipijnen. Vorig jaar richtte ze de organisatie YACAP op, Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines, naar aanleiding van de wereldwijde klimaatbetogingen. 
  7. Arkin, Fatima (2020-12-10). "Mock COP26 calls for rapid action on climate change". SciDev.Net. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Mitzi Jonelle Tan, co-founder of Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines, an alliance of young climate activists, ... “I’m here not anymore because of anger and fear, but because of love for the people and the environment, knowing that with the youth and the marginalised sectors of society fighting together for a better future nothing is impossible,” she says. 
  8. Chan, Emily (2020-09-26). "4 Activists Of Colour On The Urgent Need To Counteract Environmental Racism". Vogue Britain. Condé Nast. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Mitzi Jonelle Tan, 22[.] Lead convener of the Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines, in Manila 
  9. 9,0 9,1 Subingsubing, Krixia (2019-09-21). "Philippines joins global wave of climate protests". INQUIRER Group of Companies (IGC). Consultado o 2021-02-19. “The world is on fire anSchool strike for climated we refuse to inherit its ashes,” said Mitzi Jonelle Tan, lead convener of the Youth Advocates for Climate Action in the Philippines (Yacap) that led the strikes in UP [University of the Philippines]. 
  10. Cabico, Gaea Katreena (2020-09-25). "'No Planet B': Filipino climate protectors want leaders to act immediately on climate crisis". Philstar Global Corp. Consultado o 2021-02-19. “Typhoons, droughts, rising sea levels, we experience these every day. We are the second most vulnerable country in the world to the climate crisis, yet our contributions to global greenhouse gas emissions are so little,” Mitzi Jonelle Tan, international spokesperson of Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines, said. 
  11. De Vera-Ruiz, Ellalyn (2020-09-29). "Environment advocates call for PH climate emergency action plan". Manila Bulletin. Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Mitzi Jonelle Tan, international spokesperson of the leading climate strike group Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines said “the declaration of a climate emergency shouldn’t stop at just stating the obvious that there is one.” 
  12. CBC Radio (2020-09-25). "'We can't just be preaching to the choir': Why youth climate activists are taking to the streets amid pandemic". CBC. CBC/Radio-Canada. Consultado o 2021-02-19. "Trying to raise awareness purely online is so difficult because it's so easy to ignore posts about the climate," said 22-year-old Mitzi Jonelle Tan, a Fridays for Future activist in the Philippines. 
  13. "In nome della solidarietà climatica, ritornano i Fridays for Future" [In the name of climate solidarity, Fridays for Future are back]. (en Italian). Wereldmediahuis vzw. 2020-09-25. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Mitzi Jonelle Tan, un’attivista dei Fridays for Future di 22 anni, ha denunciato il governo delle Filippine per non essere riuscito a proteggere le persone sia dai cambiamenti climatici, sia dalla pandeia: “Danno priorità ai ricchi piuttosto che ai poveri, non stanno ascoltando la scienza“. 
  14. Goering, Laurie (2020-09-18). "Climate strikers plan 'safe' return to protests, Greta Thunberg says". Reuters. Consultado o 2021-02-19. “We need to put people over profit and any politician that cannot prioritise this needs to step down now,” urged Mitzi Jonelle Tan, an activist from the Philippines. 
  15. Murray, Jessica (2020-11-10). "'We want real action': young activists aim to fill void on climate with Mock Cop26". The Guardian. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Mitzi Jonelle Tan, a volunteer from Manila in the Philippines, also found the approach of Mock Cop26 refreshing. “They’re making sure that the voices of the most affected areas are amplified, and making sure that we have a space and we’re not just tokenised,” said the 22-year-old. “Being able to connect with 141 countries and build real relationships and connections – that’s what I’ll take away from it.” 
  16. KJØLLESDAL, BENTE (2020-11-27). "Unge aktivistar arrangerer klimatoppmøte: – Dei vaksne kan kopiere heimeleksa vår" [Young activists arrange climate summit: - The adults can copy our homework]. (en Norwegian). Consultado o 2021-02-19. Vi kan ikkje vente eit år til, fordi klimakrisa ventar ikkje eit år til, seier Mitzi Jonelle Tan på e-post til 22-åringen frå Filippinane er ein av dei mange unge klimaaktivistane som reagerte med vantru då årets klimatoppmøte i Glasgow vart utsett til november 2021 grunna koronapandemien. 
  17. Hughes, Eleonore (2020-12-08). "Young climate activists adapt to pandemic world". the japan times. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 24 de xaneiro de 2021. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Tan’s activities in the Philippines are normally face-to-face, including going to classrooms to give talks about climate change. 
  18. Benjamin, Patrick (2020-11-10). "Mock COP26: the young activists staging their own climate summit". Dazed Digital. Jefferson Hack, Rankin. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Phoebe Hanson: ... Personally, a highlight for me at our event will be the Philippines activist Mitzi Jonelle Tan, she has sent us the most incredible talk about what it’s like being an activist in a country where being an activist is seen as an act of terrorism. 
  19. Westwater, Hannah (2020-11-23). "Young people take charge of climate crisis talks with Mock COP26". The Big Issue. Big Issue Company Ltd. Consultado o 2021-02-19. COP26 president and UK Business Secretary Alok Sharma was scheduled to speak at the opening of the youth conference, ... Mock COP26 will direct attention to the countries most at risk from the climate crisis. That includes a talk from 22-year-old Mitzi Jonelle Tan, an activist based in the Philippines where a new anti-terrorism law described as “dangerous” by human rights campaigners puts climate activists at risk. 
  20. Rosane, Olivia (2020-11-19). "Young Climate Leaders Launch Mock COP26 To Push for Climate Ambition". EcoWatch. Remedy Review LLC. Consultado o 2021-02-19. "They're making sure that the voices of the most affected areas are amplified, and making sure that we have a space and we're not just tokenised," 22-year-old volunteer Mitzi Jonelle Tan from Manilla in the Philippines told The Guardian. 
  21. Kia, Kara (2020-11-18). "Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough, and Environmentalism's White Saviour Problem". Popsugar. Group Nine Media Inc. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Comments on behalf of Fridays For Future were provided by Mitzi Jonelle Tan (Youth Advocates For Climate Action Philippines), Ina-Maria Shikongo (Friday's For Future Windhoek, Namibia), Ayshka Najib (FFF Digital), Flora Beverley (UK), Sofía Gutiérrez (FFF Colombia), Disha A Ravi (FFF India), Chelsea Webster (Canada), and Helena Bennett (UK). 
  22. Davies, Sophie (2020-11-11). "Climate activists urge Attenborough to pass the mic on Insta". Reuters. Group Nine Media Inc. Consultado o 2021-02-19. “The campaign focuses on making sure that youth activists, especially from the Global South are empowered and able to share their stories in their own way,” Mitzi Jonelle Tan, from Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. 
  23. Homewood, Ben (2020-11-20). "Climate Live international concert series announced for 2021". Music Week. Future. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Mitzi Jonelle Tan, 23, convener of Youth Advocates For Climate Action Philippines, added: “We have just experienced four typhoons in the span of a month. ... This is the climate crisis, ... we desperately need more people out on the streets if we want to see change. Climate Live is the perfect way to do that.” 
  24. Taylor, Michael (2020-12-09). "No such thing as 'sustainable' palm oil, says Indonesian youth activist". The Jakarta Post. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Khairunnisa, who is inspired by other climate activists such as Sweden's Greta Thunberg and Mitzi Jonelle Tan in the Philippines, said Jaga Rimba has advised student campaigns against deforestation on Sumatra island, in Kalimantan and Indonesia's easternmost region of Papua. 
  25. Rocha, Laura (2020-12-17). "“Luchando por nuestro presente, no sólo por nuestro futuro”: jóvenes retoman las huelgas globales por la crisis climática" [“Fighting for our present, not just for our future”: young people take up the global strikes for the climate crisis]. infobae (en Spanish). Consultado o 2021-02-19. Los jóvenes agrupados en los movimientos de #FridaysForFuture de los países del MAPA (personas y zonas más afectadas, por sus siglas en inglés), Mitzi Jonelle Tan (Filipinas), Eyal Weintraub (Argentina), Disha A Ravi (India), Kevin Mtai (Kenya), Laura Verónica Muñoz (Colombia), se unieron a Greta Thunberg de Suecia para anunciar una nueva ola de huelgas climáticas mundiales ... 
  26. Queally, Jon (2021-01-13). "Youth Climate Movement Announces Next Global Strikes". Truthout. Ziggy West Jeffery. Consultado o 2021-02-19. “If we don’t act now, we won’t even have the chance to deliver on those 2030, 2050 targets that world leaders keep on talking about,” said Mitzi Jonelle Tan from the Philippines, one of the group’s organizers. “What we need now are not empty promises, but annual binding carbon targets and immediate cuts in emissions in all sectors of our economy.” 
  27. Redazione (Editorial Staff) (2021-01-22). "“Politica continua a tradire le nuove generazioni”, il 16 marzo sciopero contro la crisi climatica" ["Politics continues to betray the new generations", March 16 strike against the climate crisis]. (en Italian). Edinet Srl. Consultado o 2021-02-19. "If we don't act now, we won't even have a chance to achieve those 2030 and 2050 goals that world leaders keep talking about," said Mitzi Jonelle Tan from the Philippines. 
  28. "Young climate activists demand action and inspire hope". UNICEF. 2021-01-18. Consultado o 2021-02-19. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Mitzi Jonelle Tan, an activist from Manila, has been campaigning for climate justice. As the Philippines was hit by two back-to-back hurricanes in 2020, her organization sprang into action – feeding the communities left hungry and asking them about their problems and how they felt after the storm. “This isn’t just about the weather and the environment. It’s about justice.”