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Actividades económicas

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  1. Agricultura, gandaría, silvicultura e pesca
  2. Industrias extractivas
  3. Industria manufactureira
  4. Subministración de enerxía eléctrica, gas, vapor e aire acondicionado
  5. Subministración de auga, actividades de saneamento, xestión de residuos e descontaminación
  6. Construción
  7. Comercio ao por xunto e polo miúdo; reparación de vehículos de motor e motocicletas
  8. Transporte e almacenamento
  9. Hostalería
  10. Información e comunicacións
  11. Actividades financeiras e de seguros
  12. Actividades inmobiliarias
  13. Actividades profesionais, científicas e técnicas
  14. Actividades administrativas e servizos auxiliares
  15. Administración pública e defensa; seguridade social obrigatoria
  16. Educación
  17. Actividades sanitarias e de servizos sociais
  18. Actividades artísticas, recreativas e de entretemento
  19. Outros servizos
  20. Actividades dos fogares como patróns de persoal doméstico, actividades dos fogares como produtores de bens e servizos para uso propio
  21. Organismos extraterritoriais

Arqueoloxía industrial

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«Industrial archaeology (IA) is the systematic study of material evidence associated with the industrial past. This evidence, collectively referred to as industrial heritage, includes buildings, machinery, artifacts, sites, infrastructure, documents and other items associated with the production, manufacture, extraction, transport or construction of a product or range of products. The field of industrial archaeology incorporates a range of disciplines including archaeology, architecture, construction, engineering, historic preservation, museology, technology, urban planning and other specialties, in order to piece together the history of past industrial activities. The scientific interpretation of material evidence is often necessary, as the written record of many industrial techniques is often incomplete or nonexistent. Industrial archaeology includes both the examination of standing structures and sites that must be studied by an excavation.» Industrial archaeology

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