Categoría:Obras literarias en inglés
Esta categoría ten estas 8 subcategorías, dun total de 8.
Páxinas na categoría «Obras literarias en inglés»
As seguintes 200 páxinas están nesta categoría, dun total de 223
(páxina anterior) (páxina seguinte)0–9
- A Companion to J. R. R. Tolkien
- The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
- Alicia do outro lado do espello
- Alicia no país das marabillas
- And the Mountains Echoed
- Ao voso gusto
- Apt Pupil
- Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans
- O misterio de Marie Rogêt
- As aventuras de Arthur Gordon Pym
- As aventuras de Huckleberry Finn
- A cámara do sangue e outros relatos
- O can dos Baskerville
- Cando Hitler roubou o coello rosa
- A carta roubada
- Os casos de Monsieur Dupin
- Catching Fire
- O cazador de papaventos
- The Mammoth Hunters
- 84, Charing Cross Road
- Charlie e o grande ascensor de cristal
- Charlie e a fábrica de chocolate
- Charlotte's Web
- The Children of Men
- O clan do oso das cavernas
- A Clash of Kings
- O código Da Vinci
- O coloso negro
- Como se fai unha rapaza
- Como ser muller
- The Complete Guide to Middle-earth
- Congo (novela)
- O conto da criada
- Contos de así foi
- O corvo
- As covas de aceiro
- Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches
- Cravos vermellos
- Os crimes da rúa Morgue
- Un cuarto de seu
- Cumes Torboentos
- The Curious Enlightenment of Professor Caritat
- The Man Who Never Was (libro)
- O marabilloso mago de Oz
- Martin Eden
- Matilda (novela)
- Maus (novela gráfica)
- Medida por medida
- The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories
- Memoirs of a Revolutionist
- O mercador de Venecia
- Merchants of Doubt
- Un milleiro de soles espléndidos
- Misery (novela)
- Moby Dick
- Mockingjay
- Morgoth's Ring
- Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution
- The Salamander (novela)
- Say You're One of Them
- Scapegoat: The Jews, Israel, and Women's Liberation
- Schindler's Ark
- The Second Lady
- Siddhartha
- O símbolo perdido
- A Small Town in Germany
- A sociedade literaria e do pastel de pel de pataca de Guernsey
- A Song of Ice and Fire
- Soñan os androides con ovellas eléctricas?
- Sphere (novela)
- Splintered Light
- A Storm of Swords
- Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism
- A tempestade
- O terceiro home
- A terra baldía
- The Associate (novela)
- The Boy at the Top of the Mountain
- The Cat in the Hat
- The Children of Húrin
- The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
- The Dialectic of Sex
- The Doctrine of Chances
- The Fall of Gondolin
- The Help
- The History of Middle-earth
- The History of The Hobbit
- The Hunger Games
- The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide
- The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia
- The Land of Painted Caves
- The Left Hand of Darkness
- The Maine Woods
- The Nature of Middle-earth
- The Notion Club Papers
- The Pilgrim's Progress
- The Road to Middle-Earth
- The Roman Imperial Coinage
- The Sea of Monsters
- The Shaping of Middle-earth
- The Shelters of Stone
- The Sniper (conto)
- The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication
- The Voyage of the Beagle
- There's a Wocket in My Pocket