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Lingua wiyot

Na Galipedia, a Wikipedia en galego.
Outros nomes:Soulatluk
Falado en: Estados Unidos de América Estados Unidos
Rexións: noroeste de California
Extinción: 1962, coa morte de Della Prince
Familia: Álxico
Escrita: Alfabeto latino
Códigos de lingua
ISO 639-1: --
ISO 639-2: ---
ISO 639-3: wiy

Territorio dos falantes de wiyot antes do contacto cos europeos.

O wiyot está clasificado como extinto polo Libro Vermello das Linguas Ameazadas da UNESCO[1]

A lingua wiyot (tamén coñecida como wishosk ou soulatluk) é unha lingua álxica[2] morta falada outrora polo pobo wiyot, da baía Humboldt, en California. A derradeira falante nativa da lingua, Della Prince, morreu en 1962.

Dende 2019, o goberno tribal wiyot está a fomentar o renacemento da lingua a través de vídeos, dicionarios en liña e un calendario anual en lingua wiyot.[3]

  1. Moseley, Christopher e Nicolas, Alexandre. "Atlas of the world's languages in danger". Consultado o 11 de xullo de 2022. 
  2. Campbell, Lyle (1997), p. 152
  3. ""Rou Soulatlouy" Wiyot Conversation Book Project". Wiyot Tribe. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 26 de agosto de 2023. Consultado o 2021-01-24. 

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  • Campbell, Lyle (1997). American Indian languages: The historical linguistics of Native America. Nova York: Oxford University Press. 
  • Dixon, Roland; Kroeber, Alfred L. (1913). "New linguistic families in California". American Anthropologist 5: 1–26. doi:10.1525/aa.1903.5.1.02a00020. 
  • Elsasser, Albert B. (1978). "Wiyot". En Heizer, R. F. Handbook of North American Indians. 8: California. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. pp. 153–163. 
  • Goddard, Ives (1975). "Algonquian, Wiyot, and Yurok: Proving a distant genetic relationship". En Kinkade, M. D.; Hale, K. L.; Werner, O. Linguistics and anthropology in honor of C. F. Voegelin. Lisse: Peter de Ridder Press. pp. 249–262. 
  • Goddard, Ives (1979). "Comparative Algonquian". En Campbell, L.; Mithun, M. The languages of native America: Historical and comparative assessment. Austin: University of Texas Press. pp. 70–132. 
  • Goddard, Ives (1990). "Algonquian linguistic change and reconstruction". En Baldi, P. Linguistic change and reconstruction methodology. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 99–114. 
  • Golla, Victor (2011). California Indian Languages. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-26667-4. 
  • Haas, Mary R. (1958). "Algonkian-Ritwan: The end of a controversy". International Journal of American Linguistics 24 (3): 159–173. doi:10.1086/464453. 
  • Kroeber, Alfred L. "The Languages of the Coast of California North of San Francisco". University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 9 (3): 384–404. Consultado o 2024-10-18. 
  • Loud, Llewellyn L (1918). "Ethnography and archaeology of the Wiyot territory". University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology. 14-15: 221–436. Consultado o November 16, 2019. 
  • Michelson, Truman (1914). "Two alleged Algonquian languages of California". American Anthropologist 16 (2): 361–367. doi:10.1525/aa.1914.16.2.02a00150. 
  • Michelson, Truman (1915). "Rejoinder (to Edward Sapir)". American Anthropologist 17: 4–8. 
  • Mithun, Marianne (1999). The languages of Native North America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-23228-7. 
  • Reichard, Gladys (1925). Wiyot grammar and texts. Berkeley: University of California Press. 
  • Sapir, Edward (1913). "Wiyot and Yurok, Algonkin languages of California". American Anthropologist 15 (4): 617–646. doi:10.1525/aa.1913.15.4.02a00040. 
  • Sapir, Edward (1915a). "Algonkin languages of California: A reply". American Anthropologist 17: 188–194. doi:10.1525/aa.1915.17.1.02a00270. 
  • Sapir, Edward (1915b). "Epilogue". American Anthropologist 17: 198. 
  • Teeter, Karl V. (1964a). "Algonquian languages and genetic relationship". Proceedings of the ninth international congress of linguists. The Hague: Mouton. pp. 1026–1033. 
  • Teeter, Karl V. (1964b). The Wiyot language. University of California publications in linguistics. Berkeley: University of California Press. 

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