Medalla Presidencial da Liberdade

A Medalla Presidencial da Liberdade (en inglés: Presidential Medal of Freedom) é unha condecoración outorgada polo Presidente dos Estados Unidos, equivalente á Medalla de Ouro outorgada polo Congreso, é a concesión civil máis alta nos Estados Unidos. Está deseñado para recoñecer as persoas que fixeron "unha contribución especialmente meritoria á seguridade ou aos intereses nacionais dos Estados Unidos, a paz mundial, cultural ou outras importantes iniciativas públicas ou privadas." Porén ser unha condecoración civil outorgada por orde executiva (e non por unha decisión da Xunta de Xefes de Estado Maior), a Medalla tamén pode ser concedida a militares para levala no uniforme.
A Medalla Presidencial da Liberdade é diferente da Medalla da Liberdade, galardón anterior que honraba as contribucións dos civís na segunda guerra mundial.
[editar | editar a fonte]Habitualmente a medalla é concedida ao destinatario polo presidente que o escolleu. Porén, os primeiros destinatarios seleccionados polo presidente John F. Kennedy antes do seu asasinato foron concedidos formalmente polo seu sucesor, Lyndon B. Johnson.[1]
O presidente Barack Obama concedeu 123 medallas, o maior número, seguido polo presidente Ronald Reagan con 100 medallas.[2][3] Dúas persoas, Ellsworth Bunker e Colin Powell, recibírona en dúas ocasións. Powell recibiu a segunda con Distinción,[4] mentres que Bunker recibiu ambas con Distinción.
Sete presidentes recibiron a medalla nalgún momento: Kennedy de xeito póstumo en 1963, Johnson tamén postumamente en 1980, Reagan en 1993, Ford e Carter en 1999, George H.W. Bush en 2011, e Bill Clinton en 2013. Joe Biden recibiu a medalla en 2017 cando era vicepresidente, primeiro presidente que a recibiu antes da súa presidencia.
En 2015, Barack Obama afirmou que non había precedente para revogar unha medalla, falando sobre a que se outorgou ao cómico e actor Bill Cosby[5] tras ser acusado de múltiples casos de ataques sexuais.[6]
[editar | editar a fonte]Bill Belichick, adestrador dos New England Patriots, devolveu a medalla tralo asalto ao Capitolio de 2021.[7]
A música Dolly Parton rexeitou a medalla en dúas ocasións. A primeira vez porque o seu marido estaba enfermo e a segunda pola pandemia de COVID-19.[8]
Personalidades condecoradas
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Concedidas por John F. Kennedy
[editar | editar a fonte]John F. Kennedy seleccionou 31 persoas para recibir a medalla en 1963. Tralo seu asasinato foron condecorados por Lyndon B. Johnson.
- 1963: Edwin Herbert Land (fundador da compañía Polaroid), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe,[1] Jean Monnet, Thornton Wilder, Luis Muñoz Marin, Pau Casals,[9] Mark S. Watson,[10] Marian Anderson,[11] Ralph Bunche,[1] Ellsworth Bunker,[1] Genevieve Caulfield, James B. Conant, John Franklin Enders, Felix Frankfurter,[1] Karl Holton,[10] Robert J. H. Kiphuth, Herbert H. Lehman,[12][13] Robert A. Lovett, J. Clifford MacDonald, John J. McCloy, George Meany,[1] Alexander Meiklejohn, Clarence B. Randall,[14] Rudolf Serkin, Edward Steichen, George W. Taylor, Alan Tower Waterman, Annie Dodge Wauneka,[15] E. B. White, Edmund Wilson, Andrew Wyeth
Concedidas por Lyndon B. Johnson
[editar | editar a fonte]- 1963: Xoán XXIII (póstuma),[10] John F. Kennedy (póstuma)[16]
- 1964: Dean Acheson, Detlev Bronk, Aaron Copland, Willem de Kooning,[17] Walt Disney,[18] J. Frank Dobie, Lena Frances Edwards, T. S. Eliot, Lynn Fontanne,[18] John W. Gardner, Theodore Hesburgh, Kelly Johnson, Frederick Kappel, Helen Keller, John L. Lewis, Walter Lippmann, Alfred Lunt, Ralph McGill, Samuel Eliot Morison, Lewis Mumford, Edward R. Murrow, Reinhold Niebuhr, Leontyne Price, A. Philip Randolph, Carl Sandburg, John Steinbeck, Helen B. Taussig, Carl Vinson, Thomas Watson Jr., Paul Dudley White
- 1967: Ellsworth Bunker, Robert Komer, Eugene M. Locke
- 1968: Robert McNamara, James E. Webb[19]
- 1969: Eugene R. Black Sr., McGeorge Bundy, Clark Clifford, Michael DeBakey, David Dubinsky, Ralph Ellison, Henry Ford II, W. Averell Harriman, Bob Hope,[20] Edgar Kaiser Sr., Mary Lasker, John Macy, Gregory Peck, Laurance Rockefeller, Dean Rusk, Walt Whitman Rostow, Merriman Smith,[21] Cyrus Vance, William S. White, Roy Wilkins[21] Whitney Young
Concedidas por Richard Nixon
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- 1969: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin,[22] Duke Ellington
- 1970: Earl Charles Behrens,[23] Edward T. Folliard, Fred Haise,[24] Bill Henry,[23] Arthur Krock,[23] David Lawrence,[23] G. Gould Lincoln,[23] Jim Lovell,[24] Christopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center,[25] Raymond Moley,[23] Eugene Ormandy, Adela Rogers St. Johns,[23] Jack Swigert[24]
- 1971: Manlio Brosio, Samuel Goldwyn, William J. Hopkins
- 1972: John Paul Vann (póstuma), Lila Acheson Wallace, DeWitt Wallace
- 1973: John Ford, William P. Rogers
- 1974: Paul G. Hoffman, Melvin Laird, Charles Lowman[26]
Concedidas por Gerald Ford
[editar | editar a fonte]- 1976: David K. E. Bruce, Martha Graham,[27] Jesse Owens,[28] Arthur Rubinstein,[29]
- 1977: Iorwith Wilbur Abel, John Bardeen, Irving Berlin,[29] Norman Borlaug,Omar Bradley,[29] Arleigh Burke, Alexander Calder (póstuma),[30] Bruce Catton, Joe DiMaggio,[29] Ariel Durant, Will Durant,[30] Arthur Fiedler,[29] Henry Friendly, Lady Bird Johnson,[31] Henry Kissinger, Archibald MacLeish, James A. Michener, Georgia O'Keeffe, Nelson Rockefeller, Norman Rockwell, Donald Rumsfeld, Catherine Filene Shouse, Lowell Thomas, James Watson[32]
Concedidas por Jimmy Carter
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- 1977: Martin Luther King (póstuma), Jonas Salk
- 1978: Arthur Goldberg
- 1979: Margaret Mead (póstuma)[33]
- 1980: Ansel Adams,[34] Horace M. Albright,[35] Rachel Carson (póstuma), Lucia Chase, Hubert Humphrey (póstuma), arcebispo Iakovos de América, Lyndon B. Johnson (póstuma), Clarence Mitchell Jr., Roger Tory Peterson, Hyman G. Rickover, Beverly Sills, Robert Penn Warren, John Wayne (póstuma), Eudora Welty, Tennessee Williams[34]
- 1981: Roger Nash Baldwin, Harold Brown, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Warren Christopher, Walter Cronkite, Kirk Douglas, Margaret McNamara, Karl Menninger, Edmund Muskie, Esther Peterson, Gerard C. Smith, Robert S. Strauss, Elbert Tuttle, Earl Warren (póstuma), Andrew Young.[36]
Concedidas por Ronald Reagan
[editar | editar a fonte]
- 1981: Ebie Blake, Ella Grasso (póstuma), Bryce Harlow, Walter H. Judd, Morris I. Leibman, Charles B. (Tex) Thornton
- 1982: Philip Habib, Kate Smith
- 1983: George Balanchine,[37] Clare Boothe Luce,[29] Bear Bryant (póstuma), James Burnham,[29] James E. Cheek, Buckminster Fuller,[38] Billy Graham, Eric Hoffer, Jacob Javits,[29] Dumas Malone, Mabel Mercer, Simon Ramo
- 1984: Howard Baker,[39] James Cagney,[39] Whittaker Chambers (póstuma),[40][41] Leo Cherne,[29] Terence Cooke (póstuma), Denton Cooke,[39] Hector P. Garcia,[39] Andrew Goodpaster,[42] Henry M. Jackson (póstuma), Lincoln Kirstein,[39] Louis L'Amour,[39] Joseph Luns, Norman Vincent Peale,[39] Jackie Robinson (póstuma),[39] Carlos P. Romulo, Anwar el-Sadat (póstuma),[43] Eunice Kennedy Shriver[39]
- 1985: Count Basie (póstuma) Albert Coady Wedemeyer, Jacques Cousteau, Jerome H. Holland (póstuma), Sidney Hook,[29] Jeane Kirkpatrick, George Low (póstuma), Paul Nitze, Frank Reynolds (póstuma), Frank Sinatra, James Stewart, Tareixa de Calcuta, Juan Trippe (póstuma), Albert Wohlstetter, Roberta Wohlstetter, Chuck Yeager
- 1986: Walter Annenberg, Earl H. (Red) Blaik, Barry Goldwater, Helen Hayes, Vladimir Horowitz, Matthew Ridgway, Joseph Rochefort (póstuma), Vermont C. Royster, Albert Sabin, An Wang
- 1987: Anne Armstrong, Justin Whitlock Dart Sr. (póstuma), Irving Kaufman, Danny Kaye (póstuma), Lyman Lemmnitzer, John A. McCone, Frederick D. Patterson, Mstislav Rostropovich, William B. Walsh, Caspar Weinberger, Meredith Wilson (póstuma)
- 1988: Pearl Bailey, Malcolm Baldrige Jr. (póstuma), Irving Brown, Warren E. Burger, Peter Carington, Edward J. DeBartolo Sr., Milton Friedman, Jean MacArthur, J. Willard Marriott (póstuma), Daivd Packard, Roger L. Stevens
Concedidas por George H. W. Bush
[editar | editar a fonte]- 1989: Lucille Ball (póstuma), C. Douglas Dillon, Jimmy Doolittle, George F. Kennan, Mike Mansfield, Claude Pepper, George Shultz, Margaret Chase Smith, Lech Wałęsa
- 1990: Walker Hancock[44]
- 1991: James Baker, William F. Buckley Jr., Dick Cheney[45] Luis A. Ferré, Betty Ford,[46] Hanna Holborn Gray, Friedrich Hayek, Tip O'Neill, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, Colin Powell, Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., Brent Scowcroft, Leon Sullivan, Margaret Thatcher, Russell E. Train, Vernon A. Walters, William H. Webster, Ted Williams
- 1992: David Brinkley, Johnny Carson, Ella Fitzgerald, Audrey Hepburn, Richard Petty, Harry W. Shlaudeman, Isaac Stern, John William Vessey Jr., Sam Walton, Elie Wiesel
- 1993: I. M. Pei,[47] Ronald Reagan,[48] Strom Thurmond
Concedidas por Bill Clinton
[editar | editar a fonte]
- 1993: Arthur Ashe (póstuma) , William J. Brennan Jr., Marjory Stoneman Douglas, J. William Fulbright, Thurgood Marshall (póstuma), Colin Powell,[4] Joseph L. Rauh Jr. (póstuma), Martha Raye,[3] John Minor Wisdom
- 1994: Herbert Lawrence Block, César Chávez (póstuma) Arthur Sherwood Flemming, James P. Grant, Dorothy Height, Barbara Jordan, Lane Kirkland, Robert H. Michel, Sargent Shriver
- 1995: Peggy Charren,[3] William Thaddeus Coleman Jr., John Hope Franklin, Joan Ganz Cooney,[3] A. Leon Higginbotham Jr., Frank Minis Johnson, C. Everett Koop, Gaylord Nelson, Walter Reuther (póstuma), James Rouse, Willie Velasquez (póstuma), Lew Wasserman[3]
- 1996: Joseph Bernardin, James Brady, Millard Fuller, David A. Hamburg, John H. Johnson, Eugene Lang, Jan Nowak-Jeziorański, Antonia Pantoja, Rosa Parks, Ginetta Sagan, Mo Udall
- 1997: Bob Dole, William Perry, John Shalikashvili
- 1998: Arnold Aronson, Brooke Astor, Robert Coles, Justin Dart Jr., James Farmer, Dante Fascell, Zachary Fisher, Frances Hesselbein, Fred Korematsu, Sol Linowitz, Wilma Mankiller,[49] Margaret Murie, Mario G. Obledo, Elliot Richardson, David Rockefeller, Albert Shanker (póstuma), Elmo Zumwalt
- 1999: Lloyd Bentsen, Edgar Bronfman Sr., Jimmy e Rosalynn Carter,[3] Evelyn Dubrow, Isolina Ferré,[3] Gerald Ford,[3] Oliver Hill, Max Kampelman, Helmut Kohl, George J. Mitchell, Edgar Wayburn
- 2000: James E. Burke, John Chafee (póstuma), Wesley Clark, William J. Crowe, Marian Wright Edelman,[50] John Kenneth Galbraith, George G. Higgins, Jesse Jackson, Mathilde Krim, George McGovern, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Cruz Reynoso, Aung San Suu Kyi, Gardner C. Taylor,[3] Simon Wiesenthal
Concedidas por George W. Bush
[editar | editar a fonte]- 2002: Hank Aaron – Bill Cosby – Plácido Domingo – Peter Drucker – Katharine Graham (póstumo) – D.A. Henderson – Irving Kristol – Nelson Mandela – Gordon Moore – Nancy Reagan – Fred Rogers – Abraham Michael Rosenthal
- 2003: Robert L. Bartley – Jacques Barzun – Julia Child – Roberto Walker Clemente – Van Cliburn – Václav Havel – Charlton Heston – Edward Teller – R. David Thomas – Byron Raymond White – James Q. Wilson – John Wooden
- 2004: Paul Bremer – Tommy R. Franks – George Tenet – Edward W. Brooke – Doris Day – Vartan Gregorian – Gilbert M. Grosvenor – Gordon B. Hinckley – Xoán Paulo – Estée Lauder – Rita Moreno – Arnold Palmer – Arnall Patz – Norman Podhoretz – Walter B. Wriston
- 2005: Muhammad Ali – Carol Burnett – Vinton G. Cerf – Robert Conquest – Aretha Franklin – Alan Greenspan – Andy Griffith – Paul Harvey – Robert E. Kahn – Sonny Montgomery – Richard B. Myers – Jack Nicklaus – Frank Robinson – Paul Rusesabagina – Anna Walentynowicz
- 2006: Ruth Johnson Colvin – Norman Francis – Paul Johnson – B. B. King – Joshua Lederberg – David McCullough – Norman Mineta – John O'Neil – William Safire – Natan Scharanski
- 2007: Gary Becker – Oscar Elias Biscet – Francis Collins – Benjamin L. Hooks – Brian P. Lamb – Harper Lee – Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
- 2008: Ben Carson, Anthony Fauci, Tom Lantos, Peter Pace, Donna Shalala, Laurence Silberman
- 2009: Tony Blair, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, John Howard, Ryan Crocker
Concedidas por Barack Obama
[editar | editar a fonte]
- 2009: Nancy Brinker,[51] Joe Medicine Crow,[52] Pedro José Greer,[52] Stephen Hawking,[52] Jack Kemp (póstuma),[52] Ted Kennedy,[52] Billie Jean King,[52] Joseph Lowery,[52] Harvey Milk (póstuma),[52] Sandra Day O'Connor,[53] Sidney Poitier,[3] Chita Rivera,[52] Mary Robinson,[52] Janet Rowley,[52] Desmond Tutu,[52] Muhammad Yunnus
- 2010: George H. W. Bush, Angela Merkel, John Lewis, John H. Adams, Maya Angelou, Warren Buffett, Jasper Johns, Gerda Weissmann Klein, Tom Little (póstuma), Yo-Yo Ma, Sylvia Mendez, Stan Musial, Bill Russell, Jean Kennedy Smith, John J. Sweeney.[54]
- 2011: Ninghunha cerimonia
- 2012: Shimon Peres, John Glenn, Bob Dylan.[55]
- 2013: Bill Clinton, Sally Ride (póstuma), Mario Molina, Oprah Winfrey, Ben Bradlee.[55]
- 2014: Isabel Allende, Meryl Streep, Stevie Wonder, Mildred Dresselhaus
- 2015: Gloria Estefan, Emilio Estefan, Barbra Streisand, Katherine Johnson, Steven Spielberg,[56] Willie Mays.[57]
- 2016: Michael Jordán, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Ellen DeGeneres,[58] Frank Gehry, Maya Lin, Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks, Robert Redford, Cicely Tyson, Diana Ross, Bruce Springsteen, Grace Hopper (póstuma), Margaret Hamilton, Lorne Michaels, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates.
- 2017: Joe Biden.

Concedidas por Donald Trump
[editar | editar a fonte]- 2018: Elvis Presley (póstuma), Antonin Scalia (póstuma), Miriam Adelson, Orrin Hatch, Babe Ruth (póstuma), Roger Staubach, Alan Page.[59]
- 2019: Bob Cousy,[60] Arthur Laffer,[61] Edwin Meese,[62] Roger Penske,[63] Mariano Rivera,[64] Jerry West,[65] Tiger Woods.[66]
- 2020: Dan Gable,[67] Lou Holtz,[68] Jack Keane,[69] Rush Limbaugh,[70][71] Jim Ryun.[72]
- 2021: Babe Dridrikson Zaharias (póstuma),[73] Devin Nunes,[74] Jim Jordan,[75] Gary Player,[73] Annika Sörenstam.[73]
![]() | Este artigo (ou sección) está desactualizado(a). A información fornecida mudou ou é insuficiente. |
[editar | editar a fonte]- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 Woolley, John T; Peters, Gerhard. "Remarks With Under Secretary of State George W. Ball at the Presentation of the Medal of Freedom Awards, December 6, 1963,". The American Presidency Project (en inglés). University of California, Santa Barbara. Consultado o 2 de decembro de 2020.
- ↑ "Medal of Freedom Ceremony" (12 de agosto de 2009) Arquivado 12 de agosto de 2009 en Wayback Machine.
- ↑ 3,00 3,01 3,02 3,03 3,04 3,05 3,06 3,07 3,08 3,09 Secretary of the Senate, United States Congress. "Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients". Official Website of the United States Senate. United States Senate (Government of the United States). Consultado o 14 de novembro de 2011.
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 Clinton, W. J. (30 de setembro de 1993). "Remarks on the Retirement of General Colin Powell in Arlington, Virginia". Universidade de California, Santa Barbara: The American Presidency Project. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 19 de setembro de 2016. Consultado o 18 de setembro de 2016.
- ↑ "Obama asked if Bill Cosby's Medal of Freedom will be revoked". PBS NewsHour. Archived from the original on 01 de maio de 2022. Consultado o 01 de maio de 2022.
- ↑ "Bill Cosby's sex assault conviction overturned by court". CTV News. The Associated Press. 30 de xuño de 2021. Consultado o 30 de xuño de 2021.
- ↑ Ruiz-Grossman, Sarah (11 de xaneiro de 2021). "New England Patriots Coach Bill Belichick Refuses Medal Of Freedom". HuffPost (en inglés). Consultado o 11 de xaneiro de 2021.
- ↑ Pengelly, Martin (2 February 2021). "Dolly Parton turned down presidential medal of freedom twice from Trump". The Guardian (en inglés). Consultado o 2 de febreiro de 2021.
- ↑ "Distinguished Cellists in the White House". WHHA (en-US) (en inglés). Consultado o 2020-03-20.
- ↑ 10,0 10,1 10,2 Woolley, John T; Peters, Gerhard. "Remarks With Under Secretary of State George W. Ball at the Presentation of the Medal of Freedom Awards, December 6, 1963". The American Presidency Project. University of California, Santa Barbara. Consultado o 2 de decembro de 2020.
- ↑ The National First Ladies Library (16 de novembro de 2010). Heroes of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (PDF). Canton Ohio. p. 3. Arquivado dende o orixinal (PDF) o 14 de febreiro de 2011. Consultado o 11 de febreiro de 2011.
Marian Anderson (1897–1993)...Presidential Medal of Freedom received December 6, 1963
- ↑ Lehman faleceu o día antes da cerimonia.
- ↑ Woolley, John T; Gerhard Peters. "Remarks With Under Secretary of State George W. Ball at the Presentation of the Medal of Freedom Awards, December 6, 1963". The American Presidency Project. University of California, Santa Barbara. Consultado o 9 de febreiro de 2011.
- ↑ "Clarence B. Randall, 76, Dies". Chicago Tribune. 6 de agosto de 1967. Consultado o 13 de xaneiro de 2017.
- ↑ The National First Ladies Library (16 de novembro de 2010). Heroes of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (PDF). Canton Ohio. p. 3. Arquivado dende o orixinal (PDF) o 14 de febreiro de 2011. Consultado o 11 de febreiro de 2011.
Annie Wauneka (1910–1997)...Presidential Medal of Freedom received December 6, 1963
- ↑ "Presidential Medal of Freedom – John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum". 6 de decembro de 1963. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 16 de agosto de 2009. Consultado o 5 de xaneiro de 2011.
- ↑ "30 Receive Freedom Medal at the White House". Consultado o 2017-11-21.
- ↑ 18,0 18,1 Woolley, John T; Gerhard Peters. "Lyndon B. Johnson, XXXVI President of the United States: 1963–1969, Remarks at the Presentation of the 1964 Presidential Medal of Freedom Awards, March 26, 1964". The American Presidency Project. University of California, Santa Barbara. Consultado o May 22, 2011.
- ↑ "Presidential Medal of Freedom, 1968, James Webb". 14 de marzo de 2016. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 23 de febreiro de 2020. Consultado o 14 de maio de 2021.
- ↑ "Public Service – Bob Hope and American Variety | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)". (en inglés). 2000-05-10. Consultado o 2017-11-21.
- ↑ 21,0 21,1 Muhlberg, Judy (14 de xuño de 1976). "Medal of Freedom" (PDF). Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum. p. 43. Consultado o 11 de maio de 2020.
- ↑ "Richard Nixon: Remarks at a Dinner in Los Angeles Honoring the Apollo 11 Astronauts". The American Presidency Project. 13 de agosto de 1969. Consultado o 20 de novembro de 2018.
- ↑ 23,0 23,1 23,2 23,3 23,4 23,5 23,6 Nixon, Richard (April 22, 1970). "Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Eight Journalists". Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de decembro de 2011. Consultado o 25 de decembro de 2011.
- ↑ 24,0 24,1 24,2 "3 Astronauts get Heroes' Welcome to Hawaii". The Philadelphia Enquirer. Associated Press. 19 de abril de 1970. p. 14 – vía
- ↑ Nixon, Richard (18 de abril de 1970). "Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Apollo 13 Mission Operations Team in Houston.". Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas: The American Presidency Project.
- ↑ M, Nixon, Richard (1975-01-01). Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Richard M. Nixon, 1974 (en inglés). Best Books on. ISBN 978-1-62376-923-9.
- ↑ Woolley, John T; Gerhard Peters. "Gerald R. Ford, XXXVIII President of the United States: 1974–1977, Remarks Upon Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Martha Graham, October 14, 1976". The American Presidency Project. University of California, Santa Barbara. Consultado o 9 de febreiro de 2011.
- ↑ Koren, Marina (29 de setembro de 2016). "White House Finally Honors the African-American Athletes of the 1936 Olympics".
- ↑ 29,00 29,01 29,02 29,03 29,04 29,05 29,06 29,07 29,08 29,09 Nordlinger, Jay (2007-12-17). "Medals of Freedom". National Review. Consultado o 2019-10-14.
- ↑ 30,0 30,1 Wolley, John T.; Gerhard Peters (10 de xaneiro de 1977). "Gerald R. Ford, 38th President of the United States: 1974 ‐ 1977, Remarks Upon Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom". The American Presidency Project. Consultado o 29 de marzo de 2020.
- ↑ "Lady Bird Johnson Biography". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 05 de decembro de 2010. Consultado o 5 de xaneiro de 2011., for date of award see The National First Ladies Library (16 de novembro de 2010). Heroes of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (PDF). Canton Ohio. p. 3. Arquivado dende o orixinal (PDF) o 14 de febreiro de 2011. Consultado o 11 de febreiro de 2011.
Lady Bird Johnson (1912–2007)...Presidential Medal of Freedom received January 10, 1977
- ↑ The National First Ladies Library (16 de novembro de 2010). Heroes of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (PDF). Canton Ohio. p. 3. Arquivado dende o orixinal (PDF) o 14 de febreiro de 2011. Consultado o 11 de febreiro de 2011.
Georgia O'Keeffe (1887–1986)...Presidential Medal of Freedom received January 10, 1977
- ↑ The National First Ladies Library (16 de novembro de 2010). Heroes of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (PDF). Canton Ohio. p. 3. Arquivado dende o orixinal (PDF) o 14 de febreiro de 2011. Consultado o 11 de febreiro de 2011.
Dr. Margaret Mead (1901–1978)...Presidential Medal of Freedom received January 19, 1979
- ↑ 34,0 34,1 Wolley, John T.; Peters, Gerhard (9 de xuño de 1980). "Jimmy Carter, XXXIX President of the United States: 1977–1981, Presidential Medal of Freedom Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony, June 9, 1980". The American Presidency Project. Consultado o 2 de decembro de 2020.
- ↑ "About Horace M. Albright". UC Berkeley Rausser College of Natural Resources. Consultado o 2020-12-02.
- ↑ Wolley, John T.; Gerhard Peters (16 de xaneiro de 1981). "Jimmy Carter: Presidential Medal of Freedom Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony, January 16, 1981.". The American Presidency Project. Consultado o 2 de decembro de 2020.
- ↑ "Ronald Reagan: Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Medal of Freedom". (en inglés). Consultado o 2017-11-21.
- ↑ "Frank Gehry and Maya Lin Awarded Obama's Presidential Medal of Freedom". ArchDaily (en inglés). 2016-11-17. Consultado o 2017-11-21.
- ↑ 39,0 39,1 39,2 39,3 39,4 39,5 39,6 39,7 39,8 Woolley, John T; Gerhard Peters. "Ronald Reagan, XL President of the United States: 1981–1989, Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Medal of Freedom, March 26, 1984". The American Presidency Project. University of California, Santa Barbara. Consultado o February 11, 2011.
- ↑ "White House Freedom Medal Set for Whittaker Chambers". New York Times. 22 de febreiro de 1984. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 10 de abril de 2009. Consultado o 16 de xaneiro de 2011.
- ↑ Sterling, Dorothy (9 de marzo de 1984). "Whittaker Chambers: Odd Choice for the Medal of Freedom". New York Times. Consultado o 16 de xaneiro de 2011.
- ↑ "Archived copy". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 4 de xuño de 2011. Consultado o 9 de marzo de 2011.
- ↑ Woolley, John T; Gerhard Peters. "Ronald Reagan, XL President of the United States: 1981–1989, Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Medal of Freedom, March 26, 1984". The American Presidency Project. University of California, Santa Barbara. Consultado o 11 de febreiro de 2011.
- ↑ "Capt. Walker Kirtland Hancock ( 1901–1998 )". Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art. Consultado o 24 de xuño de 2018.
- ↑ Woolley, John T; Gerhard Peters. "George Bush, XLI President of the United States: 1989–1993, Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Medals of Freedom and Presidential Citizen's Medals, July 3, 1991". The American Presidency Project. University of California, Santa Barbara. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 20 de xullo de 2011. Consultado o 11 de febreiro de 2011.
- ↑ The National First Ladies Library (16 de novembro de 2010). Heroes of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (PDF). Canton Ohio. p. 3. Arquivado dende o orixinal (PDF) o 14 de febreiro de 2011. Consultado o 11 de febreiro de 2011.
Betty Ford (1918 – )...Presidential Medal of Freedom received November 18, 1991
- ↑ "Curriculum Vitae of I. M. Pei". Pei Cobb Freed & Partners. Consultado o 20 de xullo de 2009.
- ↑ "Remarks on presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to President Ronald Reagan-President George Bush-Transcript". The White House: Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. 18 de xaneiro de 1993. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 16 de novembro de 2010. Consultado o 31 de decembro de 2007.
- ↑ The National First Ladies Library (16 de novembro de 2010). Heroes of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (PDF). Canton Ohio. p. 3. Arquivado dende o orixinal (PDF) o 14 de febreiro de 2011. Consultado o 11 de febreiro de 2011.
Chief,Wilma Mankiller (1945–2010)...Presidential Medal of Freedom received January 15, 1998
- ↑ The National First Ladies Library (16 de novembro de 2010). Heroes of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (PDF). Canton Ohio. p. 3. Arquivado dende o orixinal (PDF) o 14 de febreiro de 2011. Consultado o 11 de febreiro de 2011.
Marian Wright Edelman (1939 – )...Presidential Medal of Freedom received August 9, 2000
- ↑ "The Presidential Medal of Freedom". (en inglés). Arquivado dende o orixinal o 04 de maio de 2017. Consultado o 2017-08-20 – vía National Archives.
- ↑ 52,00 52,01 52,02 52,03 52,04 52,05 52,06 52,07 52,08 52,09 52,10 52,11 "President Obama Names Medal of Freedom Recipients; 16 Agents of Change to Receive Top Civilian Honor". 30 de xullo de 2009. Consultado o 12 de agosto de 2009 – vía National Archives.
- ↑ The National First Ladies Library (16 de novembro de 2010). Heroes of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (PDF). Canton Ohio. p. 3. Arquivado dende o orixinal (PDF) o 14 de febreiro de 2011. Consultado o 11 de febreiro de 2011.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (1930 – )...Presidential Medal of Freedom received August 12, 2009
- ↑ President Obama Names Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients
- ↑ 55,0 55,1 "Obama condecorará a Bill Clinton y a Oprah Winfrey". El (AFP). 8 de agosto de 2013. Consultado o 16 de setembro de 2014.
- ↑ El País (25 de novembro de 2015). "Obama honra el "sonido americano" de Emilio y Gloria Estefan". España. Consultado o 25 de novembro de 2015.
- ↑ Phil Helsel – "Obama honoring Spielberg, Streisand and more with medal of freedom," NBC News, 24 de novembro de 2015. Consultado o 25 de novembro de 2015
- ↑ "Barack Obama dedica a Ellen Degeneres, Robert De Niro y Michael Jordan su último gran homenaje". El Comercio. Consultado o 23 de novembro de 2016.
- ↑ "Trump names Medal of Freedom recipients | 11/10/2018". (en inglés). Arquivado dende o orixinal o 10-11-2018. Consultado o 10-11-2018.
- ↑ Krantz, Laura (2019-08-22). "Celtics legend Bob Cousy receives Presidential Medal of Freedom" (en inglés). Boston Globe. Consultado o 2019-11-12.
- ↑ "Trump awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to economist Arthur Laffer". Washington Post. 19 de xuño de 2019.
- ↑ "Remarks by President Trump at Presentation of the Medal of Freedom to Edwin Meese". The White House (en inglés). Arquivado dende o orixinal o 27 de decembro de 2020. Consultado o 2020-03-21.
- ↑ Rambaran, Vandana (2019-10-24). "Trump gives Presidential Medal of Freedom to racing icon Roger Penske". Fox News (en inglés). Consultado o 2019-10-25.
- ↑ Tillett, Emily (16 de setembro de 2019). "Trump honors Yankees great Mariano Rivera with Medal of Freedom". CBS News. Consultado o 16 de setembro de 2019.
- ↑ "Remarks by President Trump at Presentation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Jerry West". The White House (en inglés). Arquivado dende o orixinal o 26 de outubro de 2020. Consultado o 2020-03-20.
- ↑ Chamberlain, Samuel (2019-05-06). "Trump presents 'true legend' Tiger Woods with Presidential Medal of Freedom" (en inglés). Fox News. Consultado o 2019-05-06.
- ↑ "President Donald J. Trump to Award the Medal of Freedom to Dan Gable". The White House (en inglés). Arquivado dende o orixinal o 10 de xaneiro de 2021. Consultado o 2020-12-04.
- ↑ "President Donald J. Trump to Award the Medal of Freedom to Lou Holtz". The White House (en inglés). Arquivado dende o orixinal o 10 de xaneiro de 2021. Consultado o 2020-12-02.
- ↑ "Remarks by President Trump at the Presentation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to General Jack Keane". The White House (en inglés). Arquivado dende o orixinal o 05 de decembro de 2020. Consultado o 2020-03-14.
- ↑ Slisco, Aila (7 de febreiro de 2020). "Lt. Col Vindman Gets Standing Ovation At Dem Debate After Biden Says He Should Have Gotten Medal Of Freedom Instead Of Limbaugh". Newsweek. Consultado o 26 de marzo de 2020.
- ↑ "President Trump Awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh at SOTU". Business Insider (en inglés). Consultado o 2020-04-11.
- ↑ "Former track star Ryun given Medal of Freedom". (en inglés). 24 de xullo de 2020.
- ↑ 73,0 73,1 73,2 "Statement from the Press Secretary". The White House (en inglés). Arquivado dende o orixinal o 20 de xaneiro de 2021. Consultado o 2021-01-07.
- ↑ "Trump Gives Medal Of Freedom To Loyalist GOP Congressman Nunes". National Public Radio (en inglés). Consultado o 2021-01-04.
- ↑ "Trump awarding Medal of Freedom to allies Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan". CBS News (en inglés). 2021-01-05. Consultado o 2021-01-09.
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Ligazóns externas
[editar | editar a fonte]- Medal of Freedom, Official site for the Medal of Freedom for the current administration
- Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients, 1963–2002 Arquivado 23 de abril de 2021 en Wayback Machine. (alphabetical pp. 51–61, chronological pp. 62–69), The White House
- Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients, 1993–2016, United States Senate
- Politicians Who Received the Medal of Freedom, The Political Graveyard